Friday, February 26, 2010

Loner's Club

Aloha Fellow Loner

Welcome Back


Our Stretch of Waikiki Beach!

Click on the photos!

A crowd of cute Japanese tourist girls in their cute outfits.

"Every crowd has a silver lining. "

P.T. Barnum

"For the last few years, it's been so chic for everybody to be


Like if you're in with the cool crowd,

you can't be happy."

Lenny Kravitz

"Good sense travels on the well-worn paths;

genius, never.

And that is why the crowd, not altogether without reason,

is so ready to treat great men as lunatics. "

Cesare Lombroso

"I have never wished to cater to the crowd;

for what I know they do not approve,

and what they approve I do not know. "



Did you read The Catcher in the Rye?


Raise High the Roof Beam Carpenters?

Were you a lonely adolescent

in a strange world?

You probably heard that

J.D. Salinger,

the famous writer/recluse

died recently.

The "poet laureate" of the loner

was often chided

and wondered over

because he didn't play

the celebrity game.

He didn't pontificate,

nor push his opinions forward.

He just wanted to live,

and to write.

A recent piece by Lillian Ross

in the Feb 8, 2010 New Yorker

reflected on her long friendship

with the author.

I wanted to share a few of his remarks, which she remembers,

with you:

"I think I despise every school and college in the world,
but the one's with the best reputation first."


"If your child likes - loves - you,

the very love he bears you

tears your heart out

about once a day

or once every other day."


"No matter how he ( famous scholarly writer) stuffs his readers

with verbiage,

it never amounts to a core of truth."

"It takes me at least and hour to warm up

when I sit down to work (write). . .

Just taking off my own disguises

takes an hour or more."


"There are no writers anymore.

Only book-selling louts and big mouths."


How I still love private readers.

It's what we all used to be."


Yes, God bless us disguised loners,

Every One!

ALOHA, cloudia


"Writing, real writing, is done not from some seat of fussy moral judgment but with the eye and ear and heart; no American writer will ever have a more alert ear, a more attentive eye, or a more ardent heart than his."

Adam Gropnik


the walking man said...

I too take more than an hour to get going in the morning, not because I have so many masks to remove but rather I have to bathe away yesterday so I can start with a cleaner sheet of paper.

Akelamalu said...

"If your child likes - loves - you,
the very love he bears you
tears your heart out
about once a day
or once every other day."

that is so true my friend. x

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

Thanks again for some amazing quotes. How true... how true, especially the one about children tearing your heart out. Whew. My cousin on the Big Island has company and says the weather is "perfect." I am SICK of winter. I want to be THERE!

Lisa said...

Aloha Cloudia. Happy weekend.

wenn said...

Every crowd has a silver lining? I only know every cloud has one.

Pearl said...

I don't feel right unless I write every day.

I have this quote on my desk:
"The defining function of the artist is to cherish consciousness." Max Eastman

I absolutely love that...


January Asia said...

Yes, "...just want to live, and to write."

The Weaver of Grass said...

All so true Cloudia. I remember being absolutely captivated by Catcher in the Rye in my student days.

Teresa said...

Great post, Cloudia, and a wonderful tribute to a wonderful author. Holden was my hero for many years.

Charles Gramlich said...

I've never been a crowd person. It's so nice to find Lana, who is just like me in that.

Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous pics and quotes as usual, darling!


Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Have a great week end C!

NYC taxi photo said...

Nice quotes, and though I can relate to sallinger much, I can't ever read his book because it was pushed on me in high school, and analyzed after each day. I decided rather than struggle to keep up with the rest of the class in my daily reading, and then misunderstand everything he wrote, I'd just listen to what they thought his book was about, and I'd save myself the trouble.

Rosaria Williams said...

Some real zingers here; truth has never been easy in the sunshine.

xxx said...

I'm not a writer, but I certainly can appreciate them.

I enjoyed your quotes today... thank you.

be well

Cloudia said...

Aloha, my friends. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Your voice provides light throughout a night ten hours ahead of your time.

The quote about the child...well, that's pretty much the reason why I do find myself still in an upright position.

Please have a wonderful start into the weekend.

magiceye said...

enlightening as usual - a visit to your blog!

namaste /\

Hilary said...

A beautiful, colourful collection of photos, Cloudia. :)

JTG (Misalyn) said...

"If your child likes - loves - you,
the very love he bears you
tears your heart out
about once a day
or once every other day."

Very true. Thanks for the wonderful pictures and interesting quotes my dear.

Jay said...

I am following you. Nice blog and really enjoy the scenery photo. Love green too .

Jenn Jilks said...

Thank you for visiting My Muskoka , although I prefer the sun and warmth of your shores!
Aloha, friend!