Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What's Goin` On?

A L O H A!

"Clearly, we're not in the middle of a normal recovery.
Wall Street may have it's casino up and running again,
but Main Street shows no signs of bouncing back anytime soon.
From foreclosures to unemployment
to household debt
to bankruptcies,
the American middle class is under assault - 
and America is in danger
of becoming a third World nation."

Arianna Huffington

"The working classes didn't bring this on.
It was the big boys 
that thought the financial drunk 
was going to last forever,
and over-bought,
and over-capitalized."

Will Rogers, 1931

"Wall Street paid 
an estimated $20.8 Billion in bonuses
 for 2010."

Thomas DiNapoli,
 New York State Comptroller

is the study of ignorance
that is deliberately manufactured
or politically
or culturally generated.
. . .ignorance also comes
from people literally 
suppressing truth -
or drowning it out -
or trying to make it
 so confusing 
that people stop caring
about what's true
and what's not."

Robert Procter,
Historian of Science,
Stanford University

"They only call it
"class warfare"
when we fight

Union Saying


"The decisions made today...
will determine whether
the planet goes to hell
or goes to heaven. . . 
We are the transitional generation,
The critical choices
lie in our hands.
Future generations
will know who we were.
They will think of us often.
They will curse us,
or they will
bless us."

Marianne Williamson

So what do YOU think
about "what's going on?"

Let us know in comments.

And please check out my new link
to the coolest "Honolulu Hotels"
        on the sidebar under you Friends! cloudia


Unknown said...

Ola cara amiga, Cloudia!

It's amazing how that Will Rogers quote is so relevant today.

Great quotes and photos as always!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I am just a teacher, nothing in the share market is of interest to me. Up or Down, I go into a classroom; everyone needs education regardless of how the share market goes ! The only thing teachers do not have are "big moneys" the gamblers may get in wall street. What we have is just pride in our work !!! Have a good day, Cloudia !!!!

Country Girl said...

Your photos here are so lovely. And yeah, I hear ya on the economy thing. Oh, boy.

Cloudia said...

Thanks. I don't like to do "hard" editorial content -but we all need to wise up -and step up!

Thank you Wong for the view from your part of the world.

Teresa said...

Great post, Cloudia. I loved the definition of agnatology. I wish it were easier to help people see... but when you believe that palm trees grow in Wisconsin, then it is easy to believe just about anything.

Lori Skoog said...

It's amazing how relevant the quotes you posted can be, regardless of when they were made. Our country is going through some pretty rough patches...many brought on by self infliction and poor decision making. We had better watch who is being catered to, as we are going to get knocked on our butts for letting this happen. Money has been talking. What's enough for these people?

gabrielle said...

One must ask the question why is a 3% tax on the rich considered socialism and a 14% cut on working people seen as “doing your part’? I loved the Will Rogers quote.


Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Agnotology - what a great word for these scary times.

Cloudia said...


Pearl said...

Agnotology. Good God. There's a word for it.


Hilary said...

Beautiful, colourful photos. Your page always sparkles and shines.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I'm upset by gas prices going up again, nearly to $4 gallon in L.A. When they got up this high a couple years ago it hurt in so many ways.

bichonpawz said...

Gas is almost $4.00 a gallon here too. It is AWFUL. I do love your pictures though Cloudia...someday I hope to experience Hawaii for myself!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Fabulous landscape and beautiful pictures.

Kay said...

It's all too aggravating for words!

Commander Zaius said...

Right off the bat I see Pagan Sphinx was thinking the same thing I did when I read the Rogers' quote.

Thank goodness Will is long gone, Limbaugh and his cohorts would brand him a commie for saying something like that.

Hattie said...

The squeeze is on. It's impossible to live frugally. Nothing is free. We had it good for so long that we don't know how to cut back, I mean, even if we could. We're locked into wasteful lifestyles. And on top of it the very rich have robbed us blind and all the bills have come due.

Reader Wil said...

Groetjes uit Holland,


Leovi said...

Great series showing the beauty of Hawaii, my favorite is the second.

the walking man said...

Class warfare and when there is only a ruling class and a serving class the war still won't be over because the serving class will still have 1's and 0's to transfer upwards to the ruling class.

When there is nothing but newly minted company towns and stores and workers are forced to live and shop there because they are paid in company scrip then the war will be over. Until then keep fighting for the left.

Dinesh chandra said...


Couture Carrie said...

Another gorgeous and thought-provoking post, darling!


Reanaclaire said...

greetings to u Cloudia.. your title reminds me of that song.. what's going on!
have a nice day!

LadyFi said...

Your beach shots with the sun are amazing!

Akelamalu said...

It's the same here. Those will nothing are being bled dry whilst those with everything get more. :(

Charles Gramlich said...

The little guy is only going to pull the economy a bit. It's the big guys who do all the pushing and get us into crap.

Daryl said...

I think enough is enough and that the playing field needs leveling ...

Anonymous said...

Better comments today, Cloudia. More depth.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion it is high time to make decisions, ones own decisions. Yet, probably demanding various role models. People that stand out of the mass. And hopefully starting a change towards the Good.

Once again a felt pulse of the time. Thank you. Please have a good Friday.

daily athens

Cloudia said...

Thank you for sharing here!

Bless us, every one...