Parade From the Inside

A   L   O   H   A  !
Circus Parade by Frank Churchill on Grooveshark  Listen while you look!

"Everyone loves a parade."
That's what "They" say,
and they just may be right.

From babes in arms,
to those in their second childhood,
something draws us in
to this ancient procession
with it's roots
in community, ritual,
religion and war.

I rode in the 

Honolulu Pride Parade

this weekend.

These are the shots I took
from inside the parade
looking out:

were once common on the 
streets of Old Honolulu. 
Now one occasionally sees ladies 
thus attired going to
serve tea in high end places,
or to a cultural event. 
But these gentlemen,
Japanese visitors I believe,
are a rare sight!

Ooo, I like her palazzo pants and hair cut!
He's fashionable too.

" One must either

 take an interest in 

the human situation 

or else parade

 before the void. "

Jean Rostand 

" I'm still passionately interested

 in what my fellow humans 

are up to. 

For me, a 

day spent monitoring 

the passing parade 

is a day well-spent. "

Garry Trudeau 

" If you're not

 in the parade,

 you watch the parade. 

That's life. "

Mike Ditka 


“"A girl should be two things: 
classy and fabulous."

~ Coco Chanel 

 "Language is the apparel 

in which your thoughts 

parade before the public. 

Never clothe them 

in vulgar 

or shoddy attire.”

 George Crane 

 Awesome smiles.

I was in some of the earliest
"Gay Rights" Parades,
before "Pride"
or the Rainbow Flag.

We didn't see
many smiles back then,
mostly discomfort,
or anger.
There were often
with hateful signs.

Families with children
just touched my heart
so much!

" Marching in the 
gay pride Parade 
is less exciting 
now that my parents 
support my 
sexual orientation. "


This child can be herself:
left handed, right handed,
Gay or Straight
without family drama.

What was all the
and family destruction
of the past
(and lingering present)

 Some people
like Chocolate,
others prefer

Some. . . 
well, never mind.

" The distinction between 

children and adults, 

while probably useful 

for some purposes, 

is at bottom 

a specious one,

 I feel.

 There are only 

individual egos, 

crazy for love.  "

 Niccolo Machiavelli 

 Beautiful People


that irritates us 

about others 

can lead us to 

an understanding 

of ourselves.”

 C.G. Jung

 Look! It's Dianne!

" What is straight? 
A line can be straight, 
or a street, 
but the human heart, 
oh, no,
 it's curved like a
 road through mountains. "

 Tennessee Williams

 Happy Gay Pride Everyone

" It's a good thing

 to be foolishly gay 

once in a while. "
"Quintus Horatius Flaccus, 
known in the English-speaking world 
as Horace, was the leading 
Roman lyric poet 
during the time of Augustus." Wikipedia
Born: December 8, 65 BC, 

And we end as we began,
with a flag bearer

" Who told you 

you're allowed 

to rain on 

my parade? "

Bob Merrill 

 > < } } (°>
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                             Warmly, cloudia