Growing Young Among Birds

A  L  O  H  A !

" You are never too old 
to set another goal or 
to dream a new dream. "
                                         C.S. Lewis 

" Whatever you are doing, 
love yourself for doing it. -

Young Canada Goose
Whatever you are feeling, 
love yourself for feeling it"
                           Thaddeus Golas

Linking to
Wild Bird Wednesday

We all know that exercising, 
eating a Mediterranean diet,
avoiding sitting for long periods,
and staying active & positive
can add quality and years
to your life.

But knowing and KNOWING
are actually quite different.
Leaving Hawaii after 30 years
was much more stressful
than normal moving -
even across the country.
A new climate, lifestyle,
new E V E R Y T H I N G!

A couple of weeks 
before the actual move,
I was knocked off my

Limping and battered,
I arrived in my first winter
in many years.

It was [to me] too cold
to go on brisk walks
many days.

I was too sedentary.
I ate the wrong
'Comfort Foods'
and I felt horrible.
My blood pressure rose.
I could not run across the street
without feeling very old.

Well I got a treadmill
and walk briskly 
30 minutes a day.
I also exercise my grip

I do not sit at the keyboard
long before up up and 
walking around.
[you can finish this post
and leave a comment too!]

I cut out 99% of sweets,
white bread, friend potatoes.

As my body has acclimatized
and Spring & Summer come,
as I feel more and more at home,
I find I'm dropping weight.

But that is the least of it!
I can run, I can walk the town.
I'm not exhausted all the time.
Mood has brightened.
Problems grow smaller.

I am younger
than I was before
in every way that
really matters.

So live what you "know."
Just knowing did not help me.
The fact that I had lived right
for years didn't exempt me.

This is my sharing gift
for You today!

Make it Play,
Rewards Will
Come Your Way!


                  Fondly, cloudia