Monday, July 31, 2017

Keep Cool

A  L  O  H  A !  
"Should you shield the 
canyons from windstorms
you would never see the 
true beauty of their carvings."
         Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

"One's destination 
is never a place,
but a new way 
of seeing things."
          Henry Miller

"Believe one who knows: 
you will find something 
greater in woods than 
in books.  Trees and stones 
will teach you that which you 
can never learn from masters."
       Saint Bernard de Clairvaux

"Keep cool; 
anger is not 
an argument."
         Daniel Webster

[Don't let that black bird fly!]

Thank YOU
                   Fondly, cloudia

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Bear In Mind

A  L  O  H  A !
"Your own Self-Realization 
is the greatest service you 
can render the world."
     Ramana Maharshi

“I think that the best thing 
we can do for our children
 is to allow them to do 
things for themselves, 
allow them to be strong, 
allow them to experience 
life on their own terms "
         C. JoyBell C.

"Everything we hear is 
an opinion, not a fact. 
Everything we see is a 
perspective, not the truth." 
                         Marcus Aurelius

Just Remember:
You don't have to attend 
every argument you 
are invited to.

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Thank YOU
        Fondly cloudia

Saturday, July 29, 2017

And We Flow With It

A  L  O  H  A !
 "After a while, 
whoever you are, 
you just have 
to let go, and the 
river brings 
you home.” 
        Joanne Harris

"And the songbirds 
are singing, 
like they know 
the score."
         Fleetwood Mac

The stream flows 

and we flow with it. 

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Thank YOU
           Warmly, cloudia

Friday, July 28, 2017

Somewhere For You

A  L  O  H  A !
"I took a walk 
in the woods and 
came out taller 
than the trees."
      Henry David Thoreau

"Write about the beauty 
of rainbows and the
 glint of reflected light 
that can enlighten 
readers' minds."
Debasish Mridha

Back-lit Beauty 
“The road that leads nowhere 
for others might just be 
the road that leads to
 somewhere for you!” 
       Mehmet Murat ildan

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Thank YOU
        Fondly, cloudia

Thursday, July 27, 2017


A  L  O  H  A !
“I believe that there is 
luminosity hiding in the 
shadow of the mundane. -

-And things that hover 
at the periphery of 
our vision. If that’s 
magic, then I 
believe in it.”
                 Natasha Mostert

“I try to live in the 
luminosity of things.” 
    Meia Geddes


"Let YOUr Light Shine.
How many times
we have heard that.

As if it were easy,
as if it were natural.
Which strangely
it becomes
but only after 
the hard parts.

And the hard parts
are all through life.
Their faces and fears
do change. But
fortunately so do we.

So keep on trying,
successively approximating,
that's the glory in the LUX:
While freely given,
we must freely share it,
often with obstacles
and fears in the mix.

So here's to YOU,
Light Bringer.

Thank YOU
for shining -

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Thank YOU
         Warmly, cloudia

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Heron Isle In Golden Time

A  L  O  H  A !
Where do the Great White Heron Go?
During takeoff we see the S neck
retracting to flight-tight position.

At end of day, in Golden Time
the isle across the lagoon
shows her white spots
mellowing by the minute
to rose gold.

This is Heron Island if you please!
Though an Egret or two,
white doves who flew,
may keep up the theme
soon to be a rabid Meme!

"Welcome to Heron Isle!"

Spots on the beach
are going for fifty thousand!
Not just any feathered clown may land
only the brothers and sisters in white
flush with many fish and 
hours of day-lit flight.

Welcome to Heron Isle!

 "Away from the tumult 
of motor and mill
I want to be care-free; 
I want to be still!

- I'm weary of doing things; 
weary of words
I want to be one 
with the blossoms
and birds."
      Edgar A. Guest

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Thank YOU
        Fondly, cloudia

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

For Your Skin

A  L  O  H  A !
 "We have to slow down 
and deal with what 
is troubling us, so that 
we can enjoy the 
simple joy of being
 happy and at peace 
with ourselves.” 
       Jess C. Scott

“There is a perfection 
in everything that 
cannot be owned.” 
    Anaïs Nin

"There are people who 
would love to have 
your bad days." 

Do you have dry skin, like me?
Eczema?  Itching?
You may get relief
from Kukui Nut Oil

Kukui nut oil is
pressed from the
 kukui nut(or candlenut)tree.
Full of essential fatty acids,
 vitamins and antioxidants,
 it has been used for centuries
by Hawaiians to protect
babies, improve dry skin, 
and to heal wounds.
[It is a miracle for 
hemorrhoid itching]

Accompanying Polynesian voyagers 
to the islands, the Kukui tree 
has always had spiritual 
significance to Hawaiians.

The Kukui nut was 
burned for light,
and so has qualities 
of light,
knowledge, wisdom.

Lei of Kukui Nut
like large black beads, 
are still seen in 
the islands.

"Ku'i 'ia ke kukui 
pili ke aloha
Pili ke aloha
 kau maila e
Kukui aloha o
 Kohala e.

Connect with light,
Connect with love,
The love and light
of Kohala."
Hawaiian Wisdom Saying

Thank YOU
          Warmly, cloudia

Monday, July 24, 2017

Novato A Country Town

A  L  O  H  A !
Mural Detail, Reichert Ave; Novato CA
[All Below As Well]

“Earth provides enough to 
satisfy every man's needs, 
but not every man's greed.” 
       Mahatma Gandhi

Farms, Novato Creek, Water Birds. We all want to be in the carriage

“Don't think of yourself 
as a surrogate mule, 
think of yourself as an 
entrepreneur of the physical.” 
          George Saunders

“Shoving feathers up your butt 
does not make you a chicken.” 
        Brad Pitt

'Do I look as cute & fluffy as you?"
“This is what a place like 
this does to you. It
 makes you put words
 in the beaks of chickens.” 
                  Danielle Paige

“It was incomprehensible to 
Ricky that anyone could find 
Milburn boring: if you watched 
it closely for seventy years, 
you saw the century at work.” 
            Peter Straub

And so with Novato. One feels part
of the history of such a place.
From the first inhabitants,
to the Spanish, Sir Francis Drake,
all the Pioneers, Founders, 
Farmers, Road & Bridge Builders. 
They built a town.

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Thank YOU
          Fondly, cloudia