Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Just Wait

A  L  O  H  A !
 “We all make mistakes, 
have struggles, and even 
regret things in our past. But 
you are not your mistakes, 
you are not your struggles, 
and you are here NOW 
with the power to shape 
your day and your future.” 
          Steve Maraboli

 "The most intense conflicts, 
if overcome, leave behind 
a sense of security and calm 
that is not easily disturbed. 
It is just these intense conflicts 
and their conflagration which are 
needed to produce valuable
 and lasting results."     
         Carl Jung

 "- just remember, the storm 
doesn't last forever. 
It can scare you; 
it can shake you 
to your core. 
But it never lasts. -

The rain subsides, 
the thunder dies, 
and the winds calm 
to a soft whisper. -
And that moment after 
the storm clouds pass, when 
all is silent and still, 
you find peace. 
Quiet, gentle peace.”
                       S.L. Jennings

Linking to
Wild Bird Wednesday

Thank YOU
           Fondly, cloudia