Monday, July 30, 2018

Street Seens

A  L  O  H  A !
A Wall. That's All? Marin Calif.

“Sometimes you learn, 
grow and give far more 
when your back's 
against the wall.” 
        Rasheed Ogunlaru

Hawaiian Warriors, gourd helmets, shark teeth dagger-Honolulu

“Class is an aura of confidence 
that is being sure 
without being cocky. Class 
has nothing to do with money. 
Class never runs scared. 
It is self-discipline and self-knowledge. 
It's the sure-footedness that comes with 
having proved you can meet life. ” 
              Ann Landers

Framing Fun

“I'm collecting for God. 
Can you spare a smile?” 

“Spare a thought for 
those that can't.” 
Anthony T. Hincks

The Cat Sees All

"In happy hours, when the imagination
wakes like a wind at midnight,
and the soul
Trembles in all its leaves, it is a joy
To be uplifted on its wings, and listen
To the prophetic voices in the air
That call us onward."
                   Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

And So We Go

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Thank YOU
             Fondly, cloudia