Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Question Is How Deep

A  L  O  H  A !
A friend has the magic 
power to remind you 
who you are and to 
call you home
 to yourself.

People of real understanding
Make the profound simple,
Often with a lively element
Of play and humor.

"We all have a core 
of basic goodness, 
of  Humanity. 
The question is how 
deep you have to 
go to find it.

Ala Moana Beach Park, Oahu

Your special is 
not your clothes, 
Not your pose 
Or being given a rose. 

Your special was 
before all that 

Linking To
Saturday Critters


Thank YOU
                 Fondly, cloudia


  1. I hope my good core is thick. And close to the surface.
    Love that lizard.

  2. What a sweet wee critter, amazing markings. 💙 your words ✨

  3. What a special creature with fantastic colors!
    Stopping by for Saturday's Critters.

  4. Hello, I love your cute Gecko. What colorful critter. Great photos! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day! Have a happy weekend!

  5. ...oh yes, I'm loving every word you've given us today. You too, are one of our greatest gifts in life. Funny thing, I've been feeling the blues, oh yes. I know it's mostly because this winter has gone rogue. It happens every winter, yet it's reminding me to feel greatest around meand no matter how simple or little just be grateful. Saying thank you more and complimenting everyone. Always.

  6. Awesome post today! I love the lizard spirit guide friend and your wonderful thoughts and poetry.

  7. The rainbow is lovely and you've shared nice quotes for us to think about today! Happy weekend!

  8. " deep you have to go to find it?"
    Pretty da....rn deep these days.

    Ai Pa - What I said when Pa tripped and fell.

  9. Each of you is a GIFT! Much Appreciated

  10. Such a pretty little thing! Lovely rainbow!


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