A L O H A !
Be patient where
you sit in the dark.
The dawn is coming.
Me & My Shadow
Its often the unexpected
that brings the joy
if we can only relax
enough to make
room for it.
Beth Kempton
Drink Milk !
If an egg is broken
by outside force,
life ends. If
broken by inside force,
life begins. Great things
always begin
from inside.
What sunshine is to flowers,
smiles are to humanity.
These are but trifles,
to be sure; but scattered
along life's pathway,
the good they do
is inconceivable.
Joseph Addison
Click my pretty picture to see my determined
mouth if you must. But I'm watching you!
Some people are
so much sunshine
to the square inch.
Walt Whitman
We Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia
Linking To