Sunday, April 3, 2022

Sunrise Hope

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Windward Oahu Sunrise,
Courtesy of My Friend Cynthia Tucker
The secret to
a good morning is
to watch the sunrise
with an open heart.
Anthony T. Hincks

Anyone can do well …
It's all out there waiting
for you to take. But
first you must reach
out and get it. You
must work for
your riches.
Cary Grant

I imagined it all
but I never expected
it to happen.
   Keith Richard

Pandanus tectorius is a species of Pandanus
that is native to Malesia, eastern Australia,
and the Pacific Islands. It grows in
the coastal lowlands typically
near the edge of the ocean.
Common names in English include
thatch screwpine, Tahitian screwpine,
hala tree and pandanus.

Pala ka hala, ʻula ka ʻāʻī

"When the hala ripens,
the neck is
brightened by them."

An important cultural plant
in Hawaii & Polynesia

There was never
a night or a problem
that could defeat
sunrise or hope.
    Bernard Williams


Love  You,
 Pixie & Cloudia