Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Heart Knows the Way. . .

Aloha & Welcome to Summery

W A I K I K I !

"Your mind does not know the way. Your heart has already been there. And your soul has never left it. Welcome HOME."

- Emmanuel via Ram Dass

When you are looking with love. . . then you see lovely people everywhere. . .

"Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security."

- John Allen, Mathematician

A gruff person with a good heart is better to be around than a cold selfish person observing norms of politeness. . .

The road to hell is paved with false dichotomies. . .

A L O H A !

. . .


  1. "Emmanuel via Ram Dass" ? Bwahahahahaa !!!

  2. Great quotes Cloudia! I especially like:""Your mind does not know the way. Your heart has already been there. And your soul has never left it. Welcome HOME."

  3. Aloha Fee & Easy ;-)

    HEFF!!!!! Aloha buddy

    aloha Reader Wil!

    Dum Dum? Welcome!!

  4. Summer time is here at last.
    Greetings from New York!!!

  5. I'll take a gruff, real person over the nice variety any day of the week.

    I enjoyed this post. Love those waves. Thanks for making my day.

  6. Elizabeht & Sandy (& Nony)
    Lovely seeing you today! THANKS-

  7. Gorgeous photos. Love the post title. You so often use quotes I'm not familiar with... wonderful. As always, I'm leaving feeling better than when I came. I hope you are doing well. Thank you Cloudia.

  8. 1)I imagine I am that gruff person persona. Someone once described me as 'peppery'. Of course that was when I was the only democrat in a NOW group of republicans, that would turn up the fire in anyone!

    2)I liked the quote about knowing something. It reminds me of a similiar quote about being excited to learn something because we actually already know it.

    3)A pox on me. You are definately on my Honor Blog Roll. Maybe I didn't want to share you?

  9. Beautiful shots. Lovely composition.

  10. These are very wonderful quotes. Thanks for posting them.

  11. Nice pictures Claudia !
    When I show any photo your can use the google transletor on my blog.
    ALOHA! Cloudia !

  12. the images and the prose are all wonderful as usual!

    namaste /\

  13. Thank you so much from freeing me of my fear of good intentions. {;-p}

  14. Tricia: Thanks Sis; when are YOU posting a new post? ;-)

    Carol: So glad we are in dialogue.

    Rajesh: Namaste friend!

    Kay: Mahalo neighbor.

    Claude: Mais Oui! thanks for da tip!

    MagicEye my noble friend! always an honor to see you.

    Walking Man! ;-) So happy to see YOU.

    Dear LaughingWolf: AAAAOOOOOOOO!!!

  15. Great post, Cloudia. For some reason it didn't show up in my google reader or in my blogger dashboard. I missed it so much yesterday. I was looking forward to my Hawaii vacation.

  16. "Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security."
    Funny you should quote this. Just yesterday I received an email book review, about the necessity of living in "holy insecurity."

    I'm all for it.

  17. Ah summer .. now if it would just stop raining here ...

  18. Dina: synchronicity sistah!

    Can DARYL come out and play? ;-)

    Teresa:I look forward to seeing your face here, and I love your blog!


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