Monday, November 3, 2008

Self Portraits

top: Ted Trimmer

Chinese Christian Church

Young St. shops

"The stone said to the cloud: "You are not strong like me, or hard. What good are you?" -Annonymous

"A book is a mirror: if an ape looks into it, an apostle is unlikely to look out." -George C. Lichtenberg

". . . errors are [his] portals of discovery." - James Joyce

"It's OK to be different. Isn't it?" - A 6 year old

Your life is a work of art

a self-portrait in fact and deed.

Things that happen, "good" and "bad"

are just the artists material.

One's life is a self portrait

what does yours look like?
Dedicated to Studs Turkel, who showed the beauty and power of "average" lives.
A L O H A! Cloudia


  1. mine would be a splash of colour, i think

  2. love the Honolulu that visitors never see

  3. I am proud of some aspects of my life, and ashamed of other aspects. Isn't that true of most people?

  4. How nice .. it takes me forever to get here to visit but I do enjoy myself once I get here ...

  5. Aloha,
    Mediterranean Kiwi: Lovely!
    GiGi: Your fearless self examination is what makes your books and blog interesting.
    Daryl: SO nice to see you here I love your blog!


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