Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hau Tree Lanai

Click on photos to enlarge!

The New Otani Kaimana Beach Hotel is a sweet little boutique place in Kapiolani Park right on the beach. It was a favorite of fashion designer Geoffrey Beene, and has a cool restaurant by the sand: the Hau Tree Lanai. Beautiful koi set the tone as you enter.

A large, airy room awaits!

"Bailing out the banks and Wall Street looks like giving insurance money to the arsonist." Chris Mathews

As we are seated under the huge hau tree, I instinctively look up the beach just beyond the balustrade.

Kona Coffee!

"Perhaps, after all, America never has been discovered. I myself would say that it had merely been detected."

Oscar Wilde

"He that does good for good's sake seeks neither paradise nor reward, but he is sure of both in the end."

William Penn

Then back to real life. . . but beauty is everywhere!
"We will create millions of jobs by making the single largest new investment in our national infrastructure since the creation of the federal highway system in the 1950s."
President Barack Obama
A L O H A! Cloudia


  1. Poetry is everywhere.
    Even ugly poetry

    is beautiful.

  2. Gotta love your positive attitude, Cloudia. :)

  3. Yes you are an optimistic girl! You always find something beautiful and write great quotes in all your posts. Aloha! And thanks for the daily tour in Hawaii!

  4. Beautiful images. I am with you on this one. I share your outlook!

  5. Thanks for the tour of Hawaii. Also glad you watched the president last night. I thought his speech was priceless.

  6. I really love your posts. That pic of the flower/dumpster at the end is fantastic. What a lovely reminder of beauty everywhere.

  7. The shot of the fish cracked me up for sure. Nice!

  8. so where are your pics of the food???

    Hau Tree Lanai is where I plan to dine during the summer. Hopefully not as chilly and windy as now.

  9. Finding your site (thanks to your comment on SeaLaura!)has me close to tears, as my childhood was spent in Pearl City, Waipahu, and Ewa Beach before moving here to the mainland in 1985, and I am ALWAYS longing for anything that brings me back. I remember as a keiki learning the song "For you my heart yearns, beautiful Hawai'i..your shores are calling me, far across the sea..." it is so very true and non-stop, even many many years later. big mahalo for sharing your world and much aloha from Florida. :D

  10. Oh the koi are so pretty ... as is the view and I am sure the food was yum ... love the quotes! Aloha from the Big Apple

  11. Giving money to the arsonists - that says it b etter than I have heard it said until now. We're doing it on both sides of the Atlantic as well!

  12. You even make a picture of a trash bin pretty.

  13. You make everything sound so positive Cloudia - such a beautiful outlook. x

  14. Thanks for sharing your bit of the world! It's incredible!

  15. I swear those fish were posing for you. Look how perfectly they were aligned. Serendipity follows your lens around, my friend. And we're the ones who benefit from your gift.

  16. I love the William Penn quote!

    Wonderful photos especially of the flower!

  17. Walking Man: You made me sweat with that

    Space! ;-)

    Dina: Shalom, sistah.

    Wil: aloha.

    Sandy: We agree. Nice.

    Abe: Thanks.

    Bubble Wench: Like "through the windshield" on your cool blog!

    Med Kiwi: They knew it too. ;-)

    Mojo: welcome, bloggah!

    Gigi: BRRRRRR!

    DeeTree: Thanks! You'd love my book "Aloha Where You Like Go?"

    Daryl: Aloha, apple Dumpling!

    Charles: Thanks for coming today!

    Dave King: Yes! He is a TV commentator for NBC.

    Travis: Aw Shucks!! Thanks!

    Ake: We all miss YOUR posts. Enjoy your holiday, Dear.

    Bettyl: Aloha & Welcome!!

    Carmi: Thank you. Your blog is inspiring!

  18. wonderful post that vibrates positively with lovely images
    /\namaste and aloha

  19. We have a little pond with several fishes.Big and small ones. We have three Koï carps.
    I do not understand all you write in your blog but I have a great pleasure to visite Hawaï.
    Aloha, Cloudia !

  20. Love goldfish...I know they are koi. My favourites are the orange ones with black markings. Very distinctive.


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