Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday Skies

click on photos to enlarge!
"Life is something that everyone should try at least once."
Henry J. Tillman
Sunblock by the truckload!

"Life is a zoo in a jungle."
Peter De Vries

"Life is like playing a violin in public and learning the instrument as one goes on."
Samuel Butler


Aloha and thank you for visiting today! Cloudia


  1. I am a visitor too.
    Aloha, Cloudia !

  2. gorgeous pictures.
    the sky and leaf pics are simply magnificent!

  3. As long as the wheels don't fall off when I hit a pothole life is good.

  4. Always enjoy my vacation when I stop by Comfort Spiral and that Henry J. Tillman quote is a gem.

  5. What a great source of quotes Samuel Butler was! His grandfather, also Samuel Butler, was a great headmaster at the school I went to, when Charles Darwin was there.

  6. I love visiting ... aloha .. lovely skies!

  7. Such beautiful pictures as always Cloudia. That leaf pic is amazing!

  8. Your Friday sky is beautiful. Great shots.

  9. Love those palm shadows on that nice buttery-colored beach!

  10. and i visit with the tourists - it's always nice travelling

  11. Those clouds look really low! But very fetching. Beachwear for the atmosphere!

  12. Terrific pictures, Cloudia, and great quotes about life!

  13. Bonjour, Claude, mon ami!

    Magiceye: Thank you, master-blogger. Namaste.

    Walking Man: You do seem steady - Much appreciated.

    David C: Aloha!

    Brother T: Wow! You are a link to a worthy tradition.

    Daryl & Ake: Such good pals! You make me smile.

    Carver: Thank you. Great seeing you here!

    Deborah: MMMMM, butter! LOL-

    M Kiwi: Thanks so much for flying by today!

    "Beachwear for the atmosphere!"
    What a cool thing to think of!!

    Gran!!! Hi, Gal pal!!!!

    Aloha friends! Thanks so much for stopping by the spiral today. Much appreciated.

  14. Hello.. I am Indra... I from Palembang, Indonesian Countries..I happy to have you read the blog ..
    you have a good blog . I happy with you. one-time visit my blog

  15. Not to take anything away from any of your other photos - I think you're completely gifted with a lens, with a sense of composition that almost defies description - but the first picture is mind-blowing.

    I know I'd learn a ton just hanging out with you and watching you take in the world around you.

  16. Hey girl, wishing I was there!


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