Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pali Highway

"A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving." Lao Tzu
"Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe." Anatole France

"Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind." Seneca

" It is not down in any map; true places never are." Herman Melville

When driving over the famous Pali Highway between Honolulu and windward Kailua Town, through lovely Nu`uanu, and up into the lush Ko`olau Mountains, be sure to take the OLD ORIGINAL PORTION of the road! It’s called Nu`uanu Pali Drive and it’s well worth a “detour!” After separating from the main road (and the modern world) you will pass by lovely, flower-strewn ponds on your left. Then the trees join their hands above your head as you drive into a cool, hushed trail of shadows and smells. The narrow, twisty lane always makes me feel as if I’ve entered a timeless, magical realm that leaves me refreshed and rejuvenated as I rejoin the rushing highway at last. Of course, a stop at the Pali Lookout is MANDATORY! The winds, the view of the island’s windward shores, the waterfalls curving upward to oblivion, all etch themselves on your permanent record. Here too the spirits sing, remember and lament. Many of them are the wandering spirits of defeated warriors – so it’s just as well to leave before the foxy dusk. . .

A L O H A! Cloudia


  1. That sounds bewitching - I want to be there right now.

  2. I am at work, Cloudia. I saw you are one of my bloggerfriends, Thansk !

  3. Set a destination but never the way to it. Driving aimlessly until you make the turn that lands you "home" is only way to travel.

  4. I love the poetry in this post! Thanks, Cloudia. That landscape is so magical, so full of story, so inviting.

  5. Beautifully and poetically written, Cloudia! "The trees join their hands above your head..."
    Thank you!

  6. I just love this blog! And you Cloudia! You make my day! :)

  7. hi cloudia...

    i put another 'dog in the sunset' pic up, seems the cartoon one disappeared, sorry :(

    always a pleasure to visit you... even when i don't comment, i steal some of your neat quotes :O lol

  8. i love living near both sea and mountains - this is similar to our landscape in hania (but not volcanic!)

  9. I like taking the road less traveled.

  10. Great post and photographs. Your quotes worked so perfectly with the shots.

  11. I know you just posted those travel quotes for me:)

    I read your posts on a regular basis on facebook, but for some reason I can’t post a comment from there – doesn’t go through. Hope they fix that glitch.

    Thanks for all the wonderful insider bits you provide – they are treasures and “not in any map”, as Herman Melville would say!

  12. Beautifully written description. This is some gorgeous phrasing here and makes me want to see that road and its environs very much.

  13. Those quotes all go so well with my post today Cloudia! :0

  14. Great shots! I think I see the Orchid Station!

  15. Beautiful! I feel as if I have been there now, Cloudia! I love the imagery you have used.

  16. I'm inserting myself into every picture, and can feel the warmth on my face and arms.....

  17. pali is an ancien indian language of the Buddhists! We even have a town named Pali! amazing!

  18. Brother T: Come on then!

    Bonjour, Claude!

    Walking Man: I love wandering too. On an island every road leads home, fortunately.

    Sandy: What a commute, eh? Thanks!

    Thank YOU, WIL!

    Bubble Wench: You make me happy too.

    Laughing Wolf: Just pass those quotes onward, friend! Thanks for visiting.

    Med Kiwi: Cool that we get to visit each other.

    Daryl-boone, clearing the new trail!

    Carver: I don't even know how that works out sometimes.

    Fida: Thanks! I hoped you were around somewhere. Thanks for saying "Aloha" gal pal.

    Charles: MUCH appreciated!

    Ake: Steal away! That's what quotes are for, hon. ;-)

    Deborah: YES! Lost is filmed further down that coast seen above! I often see stuff I recognize on the show- and Hawaii 50 is like time travel to a Honolulu of 30 years ago!

    Mr. Neckman: Thank you! I often read your posts LONG-ingly...

    Gran: Jump in, we'll drive till it's time to eat (again ;-)

    Magtic Eye: Yes! In Hawaiian, a PALI is a cliff. Namaste my blogging wizard friend!!

  19. "A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving." Love this quote. Fits me.

  20. Thank you for showing me this enchanting place through your eyes.

    Gorgeous pics.


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