Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Aloha Blossoms

Pink Lehua

"In dreams begin responsibilities."

Iolani Palace

"A baby is God's opinion that life should go on."
Carl Sandburg

Little Red Fellow through a Screen

"Give a person a fish, and you will feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet, and they won't bother you for weeks."


This winter was wet in Waikiki.
Rainy perhaps, but in a beautiful tropical way!

News of blizzards and tornadoes from the "continent" sure put a little sweet rain (`Ua Li`i Li`i) into perspective. And when the skies do clear, WOW!

Today, I saw a city worker mowing the grassy highway median, followed by an assistant: a tall white egret hungry for stirred-up snacks. Ah the smell of fresh-cut grass!

And gingers are suddenly blooming EVERYWHERE; Red Torch Ginger, delicate Pink Shell Ginger. . .

Once again O`ahu dons her Spring aloha wear of blossoms. . .

April is the cruelest month, so the poet claims.
Her fresh green blooming mocks our creaky backs. . .

And we remember
who, unlike Persephone,
have not returned,
to us. . .

But do not mourn
for Spring is Born
In our hearts

In gentle
Mists. . .



  1. I am learning internet but it is infinite knowledge to bother anyone. :)) - Intelligent Quote.

  2. A quite beautiful post-- and where is the surprise in that?

  3. watching seasons change is great!

    loved this quote -
    "Give a person a fish, and you will feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet, and they won't bother you for weeks."


  4. April is a highs chool girl versed in the art of leading the young boys is the men not mislead by her beauty that eventually realize to look for solace in April is a fools game...May now, come to May and the last inhibitions can be dropped and belief in warmth resurrected.

  5. 'the cruelest month' I recognise from The Wasteland, Cloudia, but is 'Her fresh green blooming mocks our creaky backs' from there or your own? (It's very good, either back is creaking audibly at all the fresh green blooming).

  6. I have to be careful not to become an addict to internet! Aloha!

  7. I love the first photo - what a lovely blossom!

  8. Aloha .. I think Anonymous has the right idea ... lovely photos ...

  9. Those are beautiful photographs!

  10. Beautiful ode to the season, Cloudia!!

  11. absolutely lovely, thx cloudia :)

  12. The pink Lehua's are beautiful! It's that "wow" after the sweet rains I hope to see some day!

    I'm away from the internet for a few days--Happy Easter!

  13. Aloha, Hobo

    Tricia: You are a poet of small delight!

    MagicEye: Yes, true & very funny. Namaste, friend.

    WM: Ah! But JUNE!

    Brother T: Thanks for mistaking my sport ("creaking backs") for Poetry ;-). And thanks for gifting me your visit/comment!

    Reader Wil: ;-) Both of us, Sweetie.

    Professor King: Thank you!

    Anne: Pretty complement, Dear. Loved your last blog post.

  14. Ake: Yes, Red Lehua is more common, these look like outer space plants - or Tribbles! ;-)
    Lovely seeing YOU.

    Daryl: You are a real photog, so I appreciate the complement.

    And how could I have missed you, Annony? Welcome!

    Carver! You are a real visual artist so THANKS!

    Deborah: I love your sensibility.

    LaughingWolf: AAAAOOOOOOOO!!! ;-)

    Gran: Happy holiday to you, Dear!

  15. As I grow older I appreciate spring more and more. What a wonderful season.

  16. I am crying.. in a good way.

    How the hell do you DO that!!??

    Beautiful post.

  17. A wonderful post, but when I visit here they always are. Those photos are gorgeous.

  18. I often feel that way when I travel, I dont want to eat or shop somewhere I can get/have the same thing I can at home .. and I feel that way when I see visitors to NYC shop at the Gap or eat at McDonald's .. people, if you arent going to try new things, stay home!


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