Monday, May 11, 2009

MTM: Let's Go Beach

Aloha & Welcome!
Courtesy of Clark Little (c)

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Mark Twain

"You should not live one way in private, another in public."
Publilius Syrus

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
Anaïs Nin

Going to the Beach here in Hawaii

When you pull into a beach park among all the local folks who are spending their day off with their families do so humbly and with a good spirit. Easy does it. Remember: weekending families are not cultural exhibits or chamber of commerce employees

Regular folks work very hard simply to make it here, and they enjoy their weekend relaxation just as you do. Please understand that the closest beach is like the neighborhood’s living room, even though it’s “public.” Be laid back and you’ll probably meet some new people, or even be welcomed in inimitable Aloha style.

Offer to share your stuff first, like a juice to a child, or a slice of pizza to the guy sitting right next to you. I could recount many stories of visitors being invited to the baby luau, the wedding up the block at somebody’s house, given deeply personal tours, or even invited to stay over. Nice people do find each other, bad attitudes: just keep driving!

A L O H A! Cloudia


  1. Great quotes as well as Great thoughts. And the first picture - Amazing.

  2. The first picture grabbed me, but your words carry the heart.

  3. Fantastic picture. I've seen many such before, of course, but none as good as that. Loved the Anaïs Nin quote.

  4. The more I read here, the more I am convinced that Hawaiian culture should be adopted by the other 49 states.

  5. very sensible advice...

    namaste /\

  6. Very wise words dear Cloudia! That goes for everybody! Have a great week!

  7. To satisfy one desire, we often forget its influence to others.
    Thanks to your words.

  8. Love the Mark Twain quote. No one will ever write that he/she spent hours at the office on his tombstone!

  9. Glorious shots, as always, and the quotes too. Must try to do that more often.

    Tough w/e, Cloudia, my palliative care client passed over. It was a 'good death', and she had no pain. An upstanding citizen of 84 yrs. who led a good life!

  10. Love that first photo and the quotes, but the body of the post-- your words, really reached me.

  11. Good advice no matter where you live


  12. Good idea on any any city!!

  13. I'd love to share my pizza and juice with the local people at the beach Cloudia. :)

    That first picture is just awesome!

  14. How wonderful, another great post Cloudia.

  15. Lovely post, Cloudia. Your words are warming, and I also identify with the Mark Twain quote.

    When I look back twenty years - yes, it's the things I didn't do that make me feel disappointed. Or the things I didn't continue doing, because people were discouraging - always stick your neck out and continue with what you feel is right for you!

  16. Such a lovely bloom of visitors today! Wow, Thanks.
    Aloha folks

  17. Terrific quotes and pics. Aloha, Cloudia.

  18. your beach rules are so similar to our own - the beahc is everyone's back yard come summer time when there is no school

  19. your beach rules are so similar to our own - the beahc is everyone's back yard come summer time when there is no school

  20. Thank you for this one, Cloudia. The Mark Twain quote has gotten me through the last day. Perfect!

  21. Nice people do find each other. So true. Words I need to hold onto. This post was a needed balm. As always. Thanks.

  22. It's amazing what a simple act of kindness can do.


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