Sunday, May 31, 2009

Susan Boyle - ing

Aloha! C'mon in.

Just Duke Kahanamoku dancing with the Queen Mum. He was a poor Hawaiian kid from the Waikiki Neighborhood.

But he grew up to enchant everyone he met.

Consider our friend Susan Boyle

“Normal is in the eye of the beholder.”
Whoopi Goldberg

Can't see these enough, can we?

But where were we. . .

Oh yes, back to average folks. . .

like you and me.

Duke went on to Olympic gold and also introduced the modern world to surfing.

This is his statue, always posing with visitors.

And there are always lei!

And now, let's do talk about our friend Susan, emblem of the moment. She surfed in on the zeitgeist.

At first, she looked like another "meal" for the judges. Someone we the public could pity and feel superior to. (C'mon, this is just you and me being honest. In threatening times like these, it's comforting to realize that we're not QUITE the biggest loser around, isn't it?)

We've all been identifying with the so called "winners" for too long, trying to pass as one of them. But all those formerly "elite" types have been recently un-masked as clue-less haven't they? All those geniuses who broke their glittering toy, the "system" that treated them so very well indeed.

And now, as we're all chastened along with them, and the smoke begins to clear, we look around us with fresh eyes.

And who do we see?

We see Susan Boyle.

We begin, perhaps, to realize the previously unappreciated treasure that resides in the "average" folks all around us. . . in ourselves.

Some spell has been riven. We and our fellow folk are revealed to be the true ground of humanity, the real plot line of the human story.

A bi-racial fellow, raised by a single mom in an apartment, on a tiny island, is now our U.S. President.

Yes, we average losers seem poised and ready to emerge as the "next big thing," changing the game, saving the show.

Just like Susan Boyle

A L O H A! Cloudia


  1. Love the comment "unappreciated treasure". That is just what I look for in my high school students. (In fact, in anyone for that matter.) Rarely am I disappointed.

  2. Just like me and my cup huh? :>)

  3. I love these ordinary folks. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful post.

  4. And the last part is the best part and proves that not all crotchety old men are destined to be president of anything. I will always appreciate people like one thick-thighs Wayne Newton, who sang on the old Ed Sullivan show to the applause of a nation. They are the best though I did see Susan Boyle lost out to a dance team and thereby the several hundred thousand dollar prize. She got second.

    You probably remember when people lived and died at home and endured wakes. I wrote about it here.

  5. I like the way you break it all down Cloudia.

    "Average folks" are the best.

  6. Susan will have an amazing career ahead of her and it's silly she lost the final round. Doesn't matter-that lady is here to stay if she wants it.

  7. Just read your blog for the first time today, it feels important to me. Life teachings tell me to be ready for 'unappreciated treasure' and I have found some on your blog. Hawaii is on my list of 3 places that I would like to visit. Life is wonderful.

  8. I just hope the machine doesn't chew up Susan Boyle and spit her out.

  9. I love this post, Cloudia. So true! There's zillions of people out there, hidden treasures just waiting to be discoverd if you stopped and took the time to know them.

  10. Susan didn't win the contest but the exposure will change her life, hopefully for the better.

  11. Great post, Cloudia. We average folks have our gifts also!

  12. Wow, after reading that post, and after you read my newest post, I guess there is nothing left for me to do but off myself ;) You seem to have a good spirit and mind.

  13. Thanks for visiting my art blog. You found me and I found you. Today, I spend time reading your blog. I enjoyed looking at Waikiki beach and those red, pink hibiscus.I am glad to know you're from Hawaii, my favorite paradise. My last visit to the islands was in 2004. My husband & I celebrated our 35th anniversary w/ our children. we too a cruise via Pride of America. Had lots of Hawaiian memories to treasure. I like you post on unappreciated treasure.

  14. How true Cloudia, one day I hope we'll stop judging the book by its cover. Wonderful post as always.

  15. beautiful post.

    namaste /\

  16. Wouldnt it be nice if everyone stopped judging what they see before they actually know what they are looking at?


  17. What a great dialogue between post and your comments.
    You are all treasures that I appreciate. Thanks SO much for your dear visits and lively comments!

    (Yeti is immortalized on a drinking cup sold at Dollywood. Check out his blog for the evidence ;-)

  18. What a special post. I love being average some times.


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