Saturday, June 6, 2009

Reappearance of Houdini


Welcome to Life's Greatest Beach!

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Plenty of Room for YOU !

"A good conscience is a continual Christmas."
Benjamin Franklin

Patient Friend

"Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none."
Benjamin Franklin

Plumeria are Bursting!

65 years ago today: the "Longest Day,"
the D-Day Invasion. We remember; Thank You warriors.

"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight."
Benjamin Franklin

The phone rang at midnight –

you can imagine how I felt! Too early even for an east coast caller forgetting the time difference. The voice on the other end said: "I'm calling about a cat." A cat?! Is this a joke? "Someone found a slightly injured orange tom wandering on Diamond Head. His microchip has your phone number. I'm calling from the SPCA." My eyes shot open. Could this be our 2000 adoptee who jumped ship after just a week with our household? We'd taken to referring to him as 'Houdini' for his disappearing act. "Yes, 2000. That's right. What shall we do with him?" By now I had located the prodigal's 'sister' Miss Kitty (adopted that same day) peacefully sleeping on a pile of (formerly) clean laundry. The prospect of dragooning the escapee back to our boat in chains (or a cat carrier) didn't sit right. "Well. . . Um. . ." I said. "That's OK. The guy who found him wants to adopt him. Whew! These days we enjoy imagining Houdini's wanderings among the low bushes and back streets of Waikiki. We marvel at his 8 years of survival and his amazing luck in finding a friend just in time to retire (mostly) indoors.
We like to think of him in his new pal's lap, remembering his many adventures and enjoying a warm hand on his head. . .

A L O H A! Cloudia


  1. some cats are just not meant to go to sea. This one certainly was a lundlubber, but a survivalist one.

  2. Walking Man: He sure proved to be a survivor with his own onboard sense of direction - not unlike

  3. Aww, sweet story. Gentle photos.

  4. I'm so glad Houdini found a good home!

  5. Animals are amazing. Great photos--love the flowers.

  6. Cats are weird. Glad this one found a home.

  7. Merci! Thanks for stopping by my Paris blog. I've been diddling with it so hope you got the full deal tonight! Come back soon.

  8. Teresa!

    Thanks you, Tricia;

    Charles: Yes, cats are weird, unlike you, Mr. Average Citizen ;-)

    Eric S: I enjoy your blog, but my old OS, or browser or whatever won't open your comment box - but I do visit!

    Bonjour Virginia!

  9. We have 3 weird cats. They help us build character! Nine lives - dunno - this one is hard enough!

  10. Do cats have their own Higher Power? Everyone ends up where they should be!

  11. Congrats to Houdini! Aloha, Cloudia.

  12. It's a DOG'S LIFE, evidently !

  13. LOVE the plumaria photo -- my favorite flower...they just drop on the ground, ready for picking up in the morning, AMAZING aroma! Mahalo, DrumMajor

  14. Very beautiful snaps. The flowers are nice too.

  15. WOW! That's cool. Glad he found his home. Seems cats pick their owners, not the other way around.

  16. PS. You should send that dog shot to Daryl for her waiting patiently series!! She would love that!

  17. A happy ending, who doesn't love a happy ending? So happy to hear your long lost kitty found a good home.


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