Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Just a Summer's Day

Welcome to Waikiki So glad you stopped by today!

Palolo Valley

Just musing on the summer beauty. . .

Today I brought a poem to share
with you
as I wander in a realm of sensation.
My brain works - not - right,
let's call it grief.
Flooded by memories
and the present seems like a dream. . .

Wisteria Woman
by Lisa Shields

Violet lavender drug
slipping beneath my skin,
shucking off the stale air
of too long shut in,
too long shut away
whispering to me
to breathe deep and be.
The clothes fall away
till I stand like mother Eve
two bites before the apple.
Lips blush to rose,
and the tongue tastes
of sweet tart pomegranate,
while a wisp of wind
carries hair to frame my face.
All I have been is pollen dusted,
oh the wisteria sweet
kissing deep,
till I feel the promise of fertile,
drooping fat on a vine
petals that promise nothing,
but hint at all.
A month from honeysuckle still to come,
but I can taste the nights,
raise my eyes to the mantle of sky,
suddenly clad in the skin
of every moonlit woman,
and beckoning with my being
for you to dance beneath
the far flung sky
in the arms of a Wisteria Woman

©2007, Lisa Shields

Lisa Shields resides in New Jersey.


  1. I love the pictures and the poem, Cloudia. Thanks for making my day!

  2. It seems grieving comes in waves-- sometimes so strong it almost overpowers us-- nature and poetry serve as a wonderful balm. Hugs to you my friend.

  3. Thanks 'Nony,
    Free & EZ,

  4. It's so hot now, I'm not enjoying this site as much anymore, lol !

  5. Nice photos.I came for a visit from Akelamalu's blog to congratulate on the award that she gave you.

  6. Beautiful poem, and so rich with imagery, I don't want to read else after for a while, until I 'digest' this... Thanks Cloudia!

  7. That's one beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing those summery images. Beautiful, as ever, Cloudia.

  8. Cool pics, and the poem is really sweet. Aloha!

  9. Your photos and poetry match as usual. I especially love the photo with the boat.

  10. "...beckoning with my being
    for you to dance beneath
    the far flung sky..."

    Uhhh no that is something you really do NOT want to see. ha haha ha

  11. My favorite lines are: "...but I can taste the nights,
    raise my eyes to the mantle of sky." However, the whole poem is beautifully done.

  12. GREAT poem! And the pictures are stunning!

  13. Lovely .. and your brain works fine .. sometimes when you least expect it a memory floods you with emotion you are not prepared for .. go with it .. I dont care how prepared you were for losing your dad .. I know because I thought I was too ... xoxo

  14. wisteria is certainly very beautiful.

  15. Heff!!!!
    Thanks to each of you; your comments above touched me with joy and also opened ny mind (Daryl)
    Dance like no one's watching, Walking Man....Glad to see you, Real LL.

    Thanks for stopping by, friends...

  16. Lovely pictures and I did so enjoy the poem Cloudia. :)

  17. Hi...I'm Lisa Shields.

    Thanks for introducing some lovely new folks to Wisteria Woman. It ended up being the first poem in my book, "The Infinite Charm of Firefly Glow",
    published by Iriswhite Publishing.

    I hope you are enjoying paradise!

    All the best... Lisa S.


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