Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy Cat and Honu

(click on photos to be amazed!)
The Moving Hand Writes, and Having Writ - Moves On; Dissolving to Sunset.

"Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything."
Kurt Vonnegut

Very Nice Gesture, Local Boy!
Hawaii folk competed with Pennsylvania fans to vote him into the All Star Game.

"As you journey through life take a minute every now and then to give a thought for the other fellow. He could be plotting something."
Hagar the Horrible

Happy Cat Hawks Miniature Shoes

"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them."
Albert Einstein

"Remember to go outside everyday and walk on the Earth and look around at the beauty – the birds, the trees, the flowers blooming. Put your mind at ease by remembering the cycles of Nature, which are endless and renewing constantly. We are part of that Nature – and are also renewing.
Don’t lose faith in that which is timeless-your heart, soul and nature.
We are all related"
Mitakuye Oyasin

A Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle, a Honu, was rescued off of the west coast of far Kauai with a chunk missing from her shell due to a strike by a boat propeller.
They named her "Ding" and brought her to Oahu for repairs and recuperation.
Everyone involved loved Ding, for she had "dinged" their hearts. It was thus with a tinge of sadness that they bid her "Aloha" once she was healed, happy, and sporting a
partly-fiberglass shell.
I'm happy to report that she has been spotted capering once again in the surf off west Kauai.
Next time I'm out in my kayak, I'll ask the turtles to send her our regards.
I'm certain our message will get through!


  1. Veru nice clouds on the first photo !

  2. Good morning Cloudia. Who else would start my day with great quotes, pictures from paradise, and stories about surfing turtles with fiberglass shells? You're one of a kind. Never change.

  3. For all of the repairs to my shell I think maybe the Honu and I are brothers. It is time to hit the deep surf again.

  4. Great story about Ding. Well done all involved.

  5. I am certain it will too .. aloha!

  6. Hooray for Ding! A vet school is located at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS. The city's little zoo has an old box turtle with a cracked shell. It was repaired many years ago with epoxy glue, and he scampers all over the ground just fine. DrumMajor

  7. Your part about Ding made me smile. Thanks for that. Tell her hi for me too.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  8. I love the story about Ding, and your pictures today are gorgeous. I also love it that you quote Hagar the Horrible and Einstein one right after the other!!! Have a great day kayaking with the sea turtles!

  9. Your photos are always wonderful, and these are no different! :)

    Lovely and poignant story about Ding.

  10. Very odd cloud shape Cloudia but I love the way the sun is catching it.

  11. Some of my favorite quotes (Omar, Albert, the Lakota) all brought together with your wonderufl touch and photos!

  12. Lovely story about the sea turtle, Cloudia. I'm sure you sung healing soul songs to her for the divine power inside. Love heals all things.

  13. I can picture you sending a message back to Ding from the other sea turtles from your kayak and that makes me smile. I needed a smile, knew I'd find one here at Comfort Spiral.

  14. What a lovely crop of comments today!! Thank EACH one of you, my bloggee friends.

    Everyone you see around you is a blogger worth reading!

    check each other out-

  15. Cloudia,love your blog and your pics are amazing!

    Thanks fo stopping by and dont be a stranger!

    Gosh, how I wish I could go to where you are!! Maybe someday...but you make it OK!

  16. What a great story.

    The turtle hospital folks in NC were telling me FL has a law requiring boats to have a wire cage around their props to protect these guys. Would be great if this common sense were universal.

  17. my regards to the lovely people who rescued,treated and released 'ding'!

    namaste /\

  18. Good for Ding, and good for the people of Hawaii who opened up their hearts and healed her so that she can be returned to the deep blue.

  19. Go, Ding.

    Aloha, Cloudia. One of the greatest experiences of my life was snorkeling off Maui and turning my head to see a beautiful green sea turtle swimming beside me. Staying right with me, matching my turns. It was one of the most transcendant moments of my life.

  20. So glad they were able to help the little turtle! I love turtles. So beautiful


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