Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day of Rest

A L O H A!
Welcome to a Quiet Sunday Here in Hawaii
click on photos to ahhhhh!
A Nice Day to Rest at Home

“Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave,
and grow old wanting to get back to”
John Ed Pearce

The Animals Were There
“A smile is a window on your face to show your heart is at home.”

“His Labor is a Chant -- his Idleness -- a Tune -- oh, for a Bee's experience of Clovers, and of Noon!”
Emily Dickinson

“Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.”
Dalai Lama

The sabbath has been smudged by too many fingers.

Our manufacturer recommends

a rest,

a fallow day.

But it's been turned into just another obligation,

a chore, a union rule.

Just as the magical MANNA

nourished for just one day,

the Here & Now

is fresh every moment.

We try to plan it,

to fit it all in
which means we live wrapped

in illusions.

Attempt to stay in the present

and the ego will rebel

in ten thousand ways.

But your sweet


will thank you,

and flourish,

as you spend time

and attention with it.

When you just

sit & be

you learn how deep

the river really is.

You begin to intuit

how much of life's richness

passes by unnoticed.

Dare to believe

that it is easy,

that you are surrounded by


Then you will understand

how steady

and deep

the current runs.

That it's

riding us home

without fail.

A L O H A! Cloudia


  1. It is a hard thing to learn to live in the moment, hard but necessary. It's like toilet training, a basic concern that once you learn how to do it life becomes so much easier for all concerned.

  2. When you just sit & be you learn how deep the river really is.
    Awesome post, Cloudia.

  3. As I sit here in bed reading my favorite blogs, part of me says I should get up and do something. Your post reminds me that I am and that I am doing the right thing. Thanks for the peace of Sunday!

  4. Yes a nice peaceful day ...

    BTW .. showed Husband the shot of the sunset from your email and he was very admiring ...

  5. I don't ever want to go back to the place I grew up in. Just saying.

    Have a terrific restful day. :)

  6. thanks for the teaching, Cloudia. Have a restful day!

  7. I was thinking last night how I very seldom take days to truly rest. I intend to get better about that.

  8. “Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to”
    John Ed Pearce

    After more or less running away from my hometown figuring I would never return not a day goes by now that I don't dream and plan of returning.

  9. That house, there's something about it I really am drawn to. Even better when I enlarged it...maybe it's the shoes...or that first/last blue step...something

  10. Have a very happy and contemplative Sunday. Keep a calm heart.

    Greetings, Friko

  11. Just to sit and be is a way for me to renew. It took me a long time to learn, but it works!

    Great post!

  12. Lovely photos, quotes and sentiments. I hope your day is perfect.

  13. "Our manufacturer" I actually had to think about that for a second. Duh!


  14. Yes, that house with the shoes lined up on the steps appears lived in, in a good way.

    I opted to stay home today when everyone else is going out, for several reasons. I need to be alone. That's the plain truth.

    Great post, great quotes, great pics, food for thought. Thanks Cloudia!

  15. I think the Hawaii I knew back in the 70's very much lived in the moment, just as you write. The culture understands that your soul will thank you.

    Lovely writing.

  16. Love the smile quote. I'm working on learning how to live in the moment-- hard work. That shot of the bee is un-bee-lievable. ;) Aloha Cloudia.

  17. Horas non numero nisi serenas.
    (Count only the happy hours.)

    A sentence written upon a sundial.
    With SUNday still having sunshine where you happen to be, I'd like to wish you many such hours and a bright new week as well.

  18. Awesome, folks!!!!!

    Mahalo means 'thank you' in Hawaiian.

    Mahalo NUI LOA means 'BIG thanks' like I feel towards each of you, each in a surprisingly unique way.


  19. I can use more days like this, I think. The trick, sometimes, is finding the space. There is a knack, but the relaxing is tough...

    Thanks, Cloudia.


  20. Good to see ya!Look at that fish:

    <>< cool!

  21. This is so beautiful I cannot even tell you! I am going to save this forever. It speaks nothing but truth. Thanks for sharing :)

  22. be well, hope the colon is well, or turns well. wholeheartedly agree with the honesty thing. a good read is always honest. I can't bare to read stuff that tries to be something it isn't. Your pictures are beautiful. and the words always seem to be directing my thoughts to a place I enjoy.

  23. Thanks Rachel, and my fellow cabbie!


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