Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Floating Out the Back Door

A L O H A!
click on photos to see & smell the sea!" It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument."
William G. McAdoo

"Explanation separates us from astonishment, which is the only gateway to the incomprehensible."
Eugene Ionesco

"One day the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful."
Sigmond Freud

"Violence is the diplomacy of the incompetent."
Isaac Asimov

"Today my spirit is going to school while my body stays in bed."
Bill Watterson

" The writer is the engineer of the human soul"
Joseph Stalin

Well, as I sagely predicted, my happy side has bobbed to the top again.

It never ceases to amaze and delight me,

I finally possess a magical talisman or something!

I've confessed my crabby past, and you lovely, bloggy friends came visiting with tasty cupcakes, perfectly ripe fruit, and a crop of rosy comments!

You uplift and you humble me

in a most pleasant fashion.

Being a person among other people (blogger among bloggers?) is really very nice; when those others are like

Y O U !

Having my faithful kayak tied just outside the hatch

(you call it a "door")

just at the top of that companionway (ladder) over there,

two paces from where I write this,

doesn't hurt my prospects for a paradisaical afternoon either.

One minute my eyes are living through this silicon screen,

the next I'm pushing off,

and skimming out into the channel
behind my home-boat.

Water flows (I'm reminded)

like the web, touching every shore,

but it is wet, and fragrant and intimately close
when you glide upon it low,
with a wet bottom.

Normally I enter from the land, down the dock, and into my home via the Port hatch. It's such a delightsome, kid-like whimsy to slip out the other side (Starboard) and traverse a completely different venue.
I'm like the character in a surrealist nursery rhyme, exiting my chimney to float above the town
in the basket of a jolly red balloon.
Wind in the willows, wind in my hair. . . . Deedle DEE!

That's how the singing begins.

My senses open with the skies.

From out here on the water
sky and heart are unobstructed.

Settling into my own physical rhythms,

heart synchronizes with the sway of the waves.

Lungs exalt to be filled and under load once more.

Soon I begin to hear the piano concerto sky.

Sweeping passages of cloud and color
interlace with arpeggios of torn cumulus notes

that glissando into every shade of emotion,

settling, finally

into exultation.

And each passing piece of flotsam,

is a tiki from the sea,

bumping my canoe with it's brusque little blessing,

bobbling away with satisfaction,

in the winged sweep of my wake.

Out here

Floating flowers decorate the grocery bags.

And nets of radiant modulation

cast broad

evolve like a web of tiny ridges

across the bulging tidal surge.


a sneaky, confident little Autumn

is laying her clues everywhere.

These trade winds carry the scent of Northern Cooling

and keep the hurricane


to the south.

The Canada Geese of my heart

begin to flutter

and to


All this treasure

for the plunder!

I will be bold
as a pirate

and fill my

fairy boots

with black


A L O H A! Cloudia


  1. Beautiful photos and words! Thanks for the visit. Did you play all ten recorders?

  2. To the Special Lady -- Cloudia,
    Besides all of the things you HAVE accomplished, you are teaching us that it is just fine, and possibly more difficult, to master the art of taking care of what one's spirit needs to take a trip on the sea of get away from measurable accomplishments and just enjoy the world for only yourself!
    Hooray! Aloha / mahalo for the wisdom. DrumMajor

  3. O happy day!
    Your photos, words, quotes, and you are especially wonderful today.

  4. It is hard to see at times, but the places we see are the same as last week, it is the perception of them that causes us to change which way our kayak is pointed.

  5. Cloudia - there is only one word to describe those pictures and the pictures your words create - exquisite.

  6. A beautiful, fantastical song here! I am glad you are feeling well. That sounds like a beautiful adventure begun through different passageways. I admire your spirit.

    And I love the Ionesco quote!

  7. Fishes favourite-beautiful colors.

  8. I'm popping in before I have my snooze after day 1 of the party!

    LOVE this poem/song, Cloudia! Please can I print it off to put on the wall at Necky Knoll House? It is so uplifting and inspiring and special!

  9. I love your post today. The journey is never dull, is it?

  10. Great quotes today Cloudia and lovely photos. I particularly like the photo of the fishes - so calming, I'm going to try to copy and enlarge it so I can look at it occasionally. :)

  11. PS I couldn't wait - I've got it as my screensaver! :)

  12. I think having skies and fish like this I would be filling my camera to the brim every day ... glad you are feeling up and perky ...

  13. I'm glad you are feeling better. One thing I've learned over the years is to wait out bad moods. I know eventually they will change.

  14. Happy to see you're sunny side up once more. Beautiful photos today. Aloha.

  15. Love the post! Love the pictures. Your "back door" sounds sublime!!!

    I was reminded of Ratty and Mole in Wind in the Willows floating along in their little boat enjoying a wonderful summer day, and you have just a mischievous touch of Mr. Toad there, too. (One of my all-time favorite books...)

  16. That was so immediate, I almost did smell the sea!

  17. I love the smell of the sea. I love everything about boats, rivers and the sea. It is my second home.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  18. I can smell the sea. Glad you are feeling better. Love the quotes.

  19. LOL at the first quote! I guess McAdoo was often on the losing side then!

    Your poem is full of joy :)

  20. Liked mostly the part devoted to breathing.
    Breath in - connect.
    Breath out - make things happen.

    Imagining the fresh air of the sea,allows me to travel into a comfortably spiral of thoughts - thank you.

  21. Thanks ALWAYS for your comments, I'm glad that we are both feeling better . . . did I read you correctly . . . your bottom is wet?? Must be kayak talk.

  22. I always wanted a bass recorder!

    Yes, Kayak = wet bottom ;-]

    You, my friends MAY use my words and images; my honor! Thank you!

    No, Life's never dull. I love your visits. Thanks SO much my friends. Aloha-

  23. "One day the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful."
    Sigmond Freud

    I sure hope so my friend, I sure hope so.

  24. Joyfully charismatic; wish I could follow you onto that bobbing wave, today. Even if I am not there, it is a pleasure to read of your course, your navigation through the swells.


  25. Glad you're feeling better & I LOVE the photo of the fish!


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