Saturday, August 1, 2009

Saturday Beach Summer Sighs

Waikiki Beach Goers!
(You're Here Now ;-)

click on photos to enlarge "To see the Summer Sky
Is Poetry, though never in a
Book it lie-
True Poems flee."
Emily Dickinson

"Summer set lip to earth's bosom bare,
And left the flushed print in a poppy there."
Francis Thompson

Do you see the Seal Face?

"Oh, the summer night
Has a smile of light
And she sits on a sapphire throne."
Barry Cornwall

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."
Albert Camus

"There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart."
Celia Thaxter

Greetings my friends!
Isn't it a perfect day to savor us some Summer?
Please leave me an "Aloha" in "comments" to make me smile a silly smile.
Then go for a paddle, a wander, an ice cream cone, or a guilty stare over the horizon of the every day.


  1. Let me have my coffee first, then read some of the goings on in that place we call world, then go and visit people m then decide if there is more edits necessary, then do all the things the old lady wants done, then I'll go out and look to the far horizon and set the sun down and go to sleep hopefully a dreamless one to wake up and come back to Hawaii for my morning dose of "good" but only after they serve the coffee on the morning flight.

    Such is the day. It is mine and I will be glad therein.


  2. Aloha dear Cloudia. I hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend.

  3. I have got to get me one of those big wheeled water things. Those kick ass!


  4. Have a great summer weekend, Cloudia!

  5. Today our summer sky is cloudy. Sometimes the sun shines and the temperature is not to hot.
    I send you my smile and tell you ALOHA, Cloudia !

  6. Howdy Cloudia! Love the pictures and the quotes. We have clouds this morning, but it's supposed to be a warm sunny day. I will think of you around sunset, too. Have a wonderful summer weekend! Say hi to the sea turtles.

  7. We had popsicles at the med center yesterday. Old men turn into little angels with the promise of a popsicle. Once an adult; twice a child. For my Kansas-warped summer, I can pick a red or white hibiscus most every day from my garden, and set it into my indoor tabletop waterfall. They're 8 1/2 inches across in size. Aloha, DrumMajor

  8. I'd like a bike like that to ride through my horse pasture.

  9. August 1, and you've given us so many delightful quotes to hold onto summer with! Lovely little seal face, and not a peep out of him!

  10. You folks are the coolest visitors!
    What a delightful crop of comments. Of course, those of you whose e-mail I posess have already recieved your smiles ;-)

    Aloha dears-

  11. OK, I did it. Good advice.

    Seals are sweet even when in stone.

  12. Odd. I seldom see faces in clouds but I saw the seals face right off.

    A nice post. What a nice weekend it is here in Ohio Cool weather. Everything is lush and green.

    Now, you and your friends can help me Make History. I am trying to see if it is possible to get 10,000 visitors in a short period of time on my new blog, Pick a Peck of Pixels. If you go there, please either become a Follower or leave a comment. You can come back each day to see and read something new. Your visit will count and help me Make History.
    Pick a Peck of Pixels

  13. Aloha fair lady. I did see the seal face. and my favorite quote here is

    "In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."
    Albert Camus

    Enjoy your summer day.

  14. Aloha, Cloudia.

    What a glorius summer post. Continue to smile sweet friend. It brightens all our days.

    Yesterday we bought hooded sweatshirts--an absolute essential for enjoying a Sonoma coast summer.

  15. Funny you should mention ice cream cones, Cloudia, as I had one today when I picked up my soul songs book.

  16. Aloha Cloudia! I will have a frozen fruit pop, and a ride on that three wheeled contraption you've pictured. Lordy mercy, what is it?

  17. this is pretty much what we are up to on our island - it's to hot to think at the moment...

  18. Cloudia,
    These are gorgeous! Thanks for the beauty and the Emily Dickinson quote and all the other cool details!

  19. Aloha! Hope you are enjoying the beauty of summer. Heck, I know you are. :)

  20. Thank you for stopping and commenting on my Pick a Peck of Pixels blog. You are not part of history.

  21. VERY cool seeing you guys here!!


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