Friday, August 7, 2009

Shadow Play

So Glad You've Come Today ;-)

click on photos to enlarge your sense of pleasure
I Love the 3 Dimensional Effect
in the Little Row of White Clouds.

"I've always been passionate about geometry and the study of three-dimensional forms."
Erno Rubik

Pink Shadow

“When we are unhurried and wise, we perceive that only great and worthy things have any permanent and absolute existence, that petty fears and petty pleasures are but the shadow of the reality.”
Henry David Thoreau

“Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.”
Carl Sandburg

Memorial to Hawaii's WWI Dead:

The "Natatorium."

“Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Men are the dreams of a shadow.”


I used to tread water

in the North Atlantic.

Tough wavelets slapped me

upside the face.

Briny fingers

cork screwing my sinuses

with sting;

And I gagged

vainly trying to keep my nose above water

olive green,

concealing monsters,

and cold.


Today I float on my back

'neath a softly scented

azure Summer sky,

lazily alert to delight and

resting a cold libation

on the breast bone beneath

my swells;

I float in joy,

and gratitude.

Same ocean - different me

more like most myself,

it seems,

I have abandoned struggle

for abandon.

Place Your Last Line Here.

A L O H A! Cloudia


  1. Beautiful sky, pretty pink hibiscus with a lovely shadow. I did not thin there is a memorial about WWl in Hawaï.

  2. a pink hibiscus flower - beautiful indeed. we have hibiscus trees here too, but the shades aren't as inspiring as this one

    and i can see, th sky is looking beautiful in your part of the world

  3. Adding a last line to your poem, me?? That will take some time.

    So the Natatorium is a swimming pool? Interesting war memorial.

    Lovely photos.
    I quote that once spoke to me, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.: "He was just a shadow of his former shadow."

  4. That hibiscus is soooo beautiful!
    I sure wish I could grow one!

  5. I have abandoned struggle

    for abandon.

    And in the abandon

    I was willingly chained to it

  6. What a beautiful blog. Stunning pictures, alluring prose. A calming place to visit. I shall return!

  7. wow, you can tell Martin Luther King Jr had been reading his Aristotle.

  8. Bonjour Claude.

    Aloha, Kiwi friend.

    Dina: The natatorium was a salt water swimming pool that is now in disrepair. The Arch (picture)was fixed up though.

    Noe Noe ;-)

    Magic Eye: Namaste.

    Walking Man: aloha!

    Mad Mike: Cool, wecome!

    Charles: Yes, the cave!
    Thank you each for coming here today!!

  9. Love the shadow on the hibiscus flower and such a pretty pink too!

  10. I like your last line. Right now I am going to try to do just that!

  11. Lovely photos, as always. Will be back to visiting more soon. Somehow I feel worse today than I did yesterday. <:(

  12. My last line: Wuwei sets me free!!

    Love this post, Cloudia, but I THINK that you are in a different ocean--the pacific--one of peace and tranquility. You're now floating off the LEFT coast.

  13. [Same ocean, different me]

    I love that line.

    The pink hibiscus with the shadow, perfect!

  14. 'adding more salt to the ocean called life, making me float, telling enough of cries, time to swim above the waterline.'
    Good morning and a very honest thank for this entry of yours, as it helped to continue to step through life, as so many did, loosing theirs. Being a German makes me always want to ask for excuse of what was done.
    Wish you a wonderful weekend and also thank you for your mail.

  15. I'm so happy to see you folks here! This is like a party that wonderful people attend, dressed in your wondeful raiment of ideas and aspirations. What a privlege to share with each of you!!!


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