Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thinning the Veil Thursday

Aloha Welcome,
Returning Friend!
click on photos to savor Waikiki I loved this stippled sky.
As you can see, the palms were so moved by it that they yearned upward, reaching for it, trying to brush its downy cheeks with their trembling, green fingers.

Why is this motorcycle armed?
Perhaps it feels threatened by larger vehicles?
(All of my motorcycles have been gentle pacifists)

The Bible says that we see through a veil, but someday will see reality
"face to face."
Plato spoke of us as the inmates of a cave, not seeing things as they are, but perceiving only shadows thrown on the stony walls of our consciousness.

Some misapprehension seems to be fundamental to our stay in this flesh.
If we recalled our true stature, the illusion of our loneliness would be shattered; and no choice would be possible
in the blinding light


Last night
standing outside under a starry sky
I suddenly wondered
how the things we love of nature
will at last be revealed
when we see them face to face.

The moon that stirs me so deeply,
that ever-dear companion,
may be even more familiar than we guess,
a loving eye
watching disguised
at last awake,
we run home
to loving arms.
A L O H A! Cloudia


  1. I love the stippled sky too, Cloudia.
    And the third photo.
    The red motorbyke is beautiful but with no arm.
    Aloha, Cloudia !

  2. Absolutely gorgeous photos and your words are even more so.

  3. WM is talking about truth and here you are saying something similar. I hope the face-to-face will not disppoint as it will be difficult to better some of the lovely things we see in our world now.

  4. Cinnamon the best of this place is a garbage dump in comparison to the worst of the place where time has no edict.

    I we recognize beauty with a human mortal eye how much more will it be recognized with an eye fully open to all there is, was and will be?

    I for one have reserved a place on the cottage porch for the first half of eternity rocking with God in side by side chairs, asking and answering questions, as we have tea together.

  5. Beautiful pics -- loved the armed motorcycle.

    Veil or not, more will always be revealed.
    Great post.
    :) Sue

  6. Beautiful Claudia!!
    Have a great day :)


  7. I think The Wind in the Willows expresses it so well, in the passage where Rat and Mole forget what they have seen, because it's wondrousness would somehow spoil all their ordinary everyday lives.

    But the little glimpses are so magnificent and keep one going, neck outstretched!

  8. Motorcycle is armed may be to protect fingers from speedy air.

  9. I had such issues with Plato ... your blog is looking very spiffy, no shadows here! Aloha!

  10. Love the pictures and the thoughts, Cloudia. Maybe the person on that motorcycle is a diver/fisher, and needs the knife for safety?

  11. Great ideas all together in one post. Makes you look forward to the seeing.

    A RED BMW, wow!

  12. Love those little white puffy clouds.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  13. I've heard of motorcycles knifing through traffic, but ...

  14. Bonjour CLAUDE, mon ami!

    Mahalo KAY.

    Cinnamon: What an amazing thing to say! ;-]

    Walking Man: I want to join the faith that you are head of!!

    Luv Ya, SUE, thanks.

    Welcome, ANNA!

    Raph: Yes! Like YOUR magical blog world. (Go there, folks!)

    HoBo: ;-]

    Daryl, Why THANKS, Sistah!!

    Teresa: Love how you think; and your blog is an amazing sociological document! Shi Shi!!

    Dina: Thanks. I love your Jerusalem!

    Sandee the Sailor loves dose clouds; so do I ;-]!!!

    Travis, you are a genius of words.

    Deb: :-] aloha, baby!

    Thanks, Noe Noe: I remember taking that one!

  15. upon mountains i will climb, where dark palms grow, rivers flow, following proud clouds.
    wonderful writing, leading again into a spiral of comfort. thank you. btw - you might like to click upon the island picture on my site. please have a nice friday.

  16. Cloudia...I am nothing, the head nor the foot. A pimple on the butt maybe.

    I simply belong to the cult of that Spirit which so beautifully yet simply created man and then found a way to make that creation eternal.

    Using the Jewish Torah, that fruit that the first chosen ones ate was the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. That pair died to God that day, they no longer had a spiritual connection to God.

    Their "sin" if you will was one of choice. They could haven chosen the tree of life that resided in that garden. Yet they chose knowledge of differentiation instead. They chose to define their world as good and evil when they could have gone the short route to eternal life by choosing to simply do as their father had told them.

    God set up a systematic plan which over the course of millennium gave that spirit connection back to man. It is a stronger spirit in that it has tasted good and evil, death and life after that death.

    The man, Christ, died by murder, the same man rose from that death and according to the Christian texts was seen with the physical eyes, heard with the physical eyes, ate with his physical mouth.

    Then like Elijah of old was taken into the eternal world where he yet lives on today.

    The new testament prophets said that the same spirit within that man who died is NOW freely given to all, both Jew and Gentile.

    Faith, all faith is simply claiming ownership of all that new spirit empowers within the people that will have it.

    The greatest working of faith, ownership, is owning that same eternal life right now. The creator has killed death through death so no one need fear death any longer.

    Fear is slavery in all cases. Refusal to fear because you know no matter what, that your life is going to be yours again at some point is freedom.

    I do not worship that Christ, I do not worship suns or moons or stars, although I do adore the beauty and the regret the pain we cause.

    I do not worship anything other than that Spirit which began all things from the smallest particle to the ability to live without time as a constraint.

    This is my faith and I am in no way the head of it, simply the recipient of the ownership of it.

  17. The glimpses will become larger, day by day.

  18. Those are beautiful shots and I love the way the clouds look almost like cotton balls.


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