Monday, September 7, 2009

The Streets

A L O H A!
E Komo Mai - Come In
click on photos to expand your consciousness" God made the Idiot for practice,
and then He made the School Board."

Mark Twain

Those are Waikiki's Magical White Towers
down there in the distance.
(Diamond Head is cut off at the far left)

“Love has a hem to her garment that reaches the very dust.
It sweeps the streets and lanes, and because it can, it must.”
Mother Teresa of Calcutta
"I don't think I NEED another drink!"

“I have been waiting. I have been searching.
I am a man under the moon, walking the streets of earth until dawn.
There's got to be someone for me. It's not too much to ask.
Just someone to be with. Someone to love. Someone to give everything to. Someone.”
Henry Rollins

<>< )=( ><>

When you live the streets,
or love the streets,
it's easy to forget
that each building on the block
is more than just your back drop;
That each one is a solar system
revolving around a business,
a mission, a family -
each window is a world
and some souls never leave their room.

Open your eyes, you windows!
Let realization in as the light.
To save a life is to save a whole world;
each smile is a
Tiny Rescue.
A L O H A! Cloudia


  1. I enlarged your first photo. Very nice !

  2. Me again.
    I like what did say Henry Collins.

  3. Have a great weekend in your part of town, Cloudia! :-)

    Happy Labor Day!

  4. MAHALO! What a cool view from the heights of the houses placed up into the crevices of the beautiful mountain cliffs, looking down to the ocean. It seems calm and serene from up there. Must be a curvy road to get to that spot.

  5. Gotta love Mark Twain. The first two shots-- wow! I do hope you've enjoyed this weekend Cloudia dear girl. Aloha.

  6. Well said, Cloudia. I am reading a book on the importance of play, and author Stuart Brown makes the point that smile is a form of play, a risk taking and a reaching out for another in a positive way. A smile is an invitation in, as you began this post.

    When I was a kid, I would stand at my bedroom window at night and look across the yards to the neighbors' house. I loved the yellow light of the kitchen, and it seemed there was always someone at the sink doing something. I found it a comfort.

  7. Each tiny rescue is one more bit of space where darkness can not inhabit the backdrop of our life.

    Well said sister.

  8. I just couldn't control myself laughing after reading the first quote :)

    Definition of a Respectable Human Being

  9. loved your definiton of your world!

    namaste /\

  10. That first picture has to be one of my favorites.

    Have an incredible weekend!

    xoxoxo Sue

  11. " God made the Idiot for practice,
    and then He made the School Board."

    Mark Twain

    And then he made the Conservatives who are sheeple .... GAH ... when the previous administration did things the general population didnt like, if someone spoke out they were branded unAmerican, siding with terrorists or worse ... but now its okay.... SIGH ...

  12. A wonderful marriage of quotes and photos. That first sunset takes my breath away. Just beautiful!

  13. i like that about opening our eyes and let realization in..very meaningful

  14. Thank you for opening my eyes to the 'tiny rescue.' Have a lovely week.

  15. Regarding your last sentences, when I clasped hands at the end of a meeting with others I used to look out the window when the prayer was read because that's where God was in the beautiful sky and treetops. Now I keep my eyes inside the room and glance for a second at each person in the circle because that is where God is closest to me, within my touch.

  16. Love the Mark Twain and Mother Teresa quotes! Have a great holiday today.

  17. Mark Twain just got it didn't he. Yes he did.

    I ♥ Mother Teresa. I'm sure she has a special place in heaven. I certainly hope so anyway.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  18. Lovely post, as always, my friend!

    I love Sandy's comment, too!

    Love to all!

  19. Your first photo is amazing m'dear. I love the Mother Theresa quote. :)

  20. The Mother Theresa quote really is rather beautiful; makes me want to explore what else she wrote.

  21. I take away laughter, smiles, a sigh from this visit today. And my windows are open!

  22. WoW!

    This crop of comments just blows me away!

    The dialogue continues here; and anyone who doesn't read the comments misses half of what's happening in this blog ;-]

    Aloha my friends


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