Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tropic Halloween

A L O H A!
Halloween Saturday
in Honolulu
click on photos to be bewitched
The frost is on the coconut.
"Seasons in the Clouds"

"October is a symphony of permanence and change."
Bonaro W. Overstreet

Let's go for an aimless drive

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.

Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.

The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy,

while cares will drop off like autumn leaves."

John Muir

Ah; The Seasonal Leaves! (Taro: poi on the hoof)

"Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it."
Salvador Dali


The trade winds have returned!

The air is clear and sharp.

Diamond Head, the Ko`olau & the Waianae Mountains

are crisp.

Sleeping is serene.

If I wasn't going into a sealed room with many, many psychiatrists early tomorrow (Sunday!) morning, it would be a really nice weekend.

(see yesterday's post for the juicy back-story)

Ah, what the hey.

They'll all be hungover after Saturday Night Halloween Honolulu anyway.

Maybe I'll wear a costume to amuse them.

I'll disguise myself as a normal person.


And later this weekend, Saint Damien's relic (his hand) will be received at an interdenominational event at the Iolani Palace.

Then a procession will accompany it to it's resting place

at Our Lady of Peace Cathedral.

I heard an ancient local man telling someone:

"They sending his hand, because that's what he touched us with,

helped us."

Enjoy YOUR Day

Warmly, Cloudia


  1. You'll do dandy with the docs...just be yourself. A good doc will listen and realize how little they knew about the helpers, and how to function on the street. Beautiful ladies! Be sure and take some of your books...

  2. Happy Halloween in Honolulu, Cloudia !
    Aloha !

  3. Hope the meeting goes well tomorrow m'dear and the hangover isn't too bad. x

  4. What's a normal person??? Psychiatrists aren't as far as I noticed, and I met many of them. They look like ordinary people, but don't let them fool you!!
    Thanks for the comment. We don't leave our shoes outside the house, only clogs, but we don't wear them either any more.The clogs under the bench are only symbolic and not used.

  5. Aloha, and may the Trade winds caresss and bring you a wonderful, fun halloween.
    Have a great weekend, Lee.

  6. You plan to disguise your self as a normal such an original idea,i loved it.The first picture of that coconut tree against that cloudy sky is simply beautiful.


  7. one is perfect..we can only try our best..

  8. Normal is boring ... lets hope we are never boring .. you will be you and who could possibly ask for more or better than that? No one


  9. the frost on the coconut made me laugh :)

    Happy Halloween

  10. Was that "frosting" on the coconut?

    Have fun with the psychiatrists. Has "normal" ever even been arrived at by any one? I like you just the way you are. But it's a great idea for a disguise.

  11. Have fun! Don't forget to write about it. Are you allowed to take photos?

  12. Good luck at the meeting, and Happy Halloween!

  13. Yes, I like the idea of a tropical Halloween !

  14. Yes, good luck with the meeting. And happy Halloween.

  15. Heff is fine. Simply taking a blog break.

    Happy Halloween !

  16. Heff is fine. Simply taking a blog break.

    Happy Halloween !

  17. Happy Halloween Cloudia! Hope tomorrow isn't too spooky for you.

  18. wish i was in hawaii

  19. happy halloween, normal person!
    May your pumpkin never melt and your candle never become extinguished.
    Aloha, friend.

  20. I hope your Halloween is suitably scary and enjoyable for you.
    We don't celebrate it much out here.

  21. LOL, my type of costume, disguised as a normal person. Happy Halloween.


  22. Just tell them that you are bloggy-friends with a giraffe, and they'll know you're normal!!

    I love your back-story in the previous post, and know what you mean about being 'empty' rather than 'full' like the psychiatrists.

    Happy Hallowe'en, dear Cloudia!

  23. Happy Halloween, Cloudia!

    I just read this morning that it was going to be one of his heels. I guess this whole relics thing is just something I'm not used to.

  24. Happy Autumn, Cloudia! An aimless drive sounds wonderful!

  25. CC, the relic that is making the rounds right now is Damien's HEEL. It will be placed in Our Lady of Peace Cathedral in Honolulu.

    His right HAND is still in his grave next to the church he built in Kalaupapa.

  26. Do you know I thought of you the day I read about Damian's sainthood?


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