Thursday, November 19, 2009

World's Best Weather

A L O H A, My Friend!

Welcome to Thursday
Here in Waikiki

click on photos to smell it!
Ocean Safety: City & County of Honolulu Lifeguards

"The great thing about getting older is that
you don't lose all the other ages you've been."
Madeleine L'Engle

How you get your surfboard to da beach!

"The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.

That is why so much social life is exhausting."

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Back Alley of Waikiki

"That it is shallow to judge by appearences is a well-known saying.

That it is shallow to dismiss appearances is a lesser-known truth."

Yahia Lababidi

Our weather here in Waikiki has been beautiful and breezy.

Cool & pleasant to us, but don't worry:

it will definitely feel like the nicest day

of Summer when you get here.

The Triple Crown of Surfing is happening now on Oahu's

world famous North Shore.

I'm so glad that you stopped by today to visit me

here at da beach!

Hope you enjoy today's pictures and quotes.

If you would like to see videos of the world's top surf athletes, just click the link


ALOHA, cloudia


  1. I'm loving that breeze! I hope it keeps up.

  2. Take your surf and balmy breezes and...ha ha ha never mind. Surf's up dude.

  3. What seems to have began as a dark and long month, has turned out to become a wonderful 'late summer' even over here - maybe there's something in the air.
    A wonderful Thursday for you.

  4. ....Maybe it's the mother in me, but that boy on the scooter just doesn't look safe at all! It looks like something my son would do.

    Scoot away quickly, young man, before I ruin all your fun! ;-)

  5. I love the surf board pic

    and the social life quote is perfect

  6. I like very the first quote.
    I think noone can forget the other ages wa have been in our life.
    Cool the manner to get the surfboard to the beach !!!

  7. Ahhh, the beach! Great photo, friend. I love the motocycle with the board!

  8. Wow, the Lindbergh quote sure hit home. That's exactly right.

  9. Now all the young man is lacking is a family of 7 kids stretched out along the surf board!!

    So, Cloudia, when do we get pictures of you hanging ten?

  10. Send some of that sunshine this way .. Aloha!

  11. I'll remember that when it's dark and cold up here...that's it's always summer and breezy on da beach!

  12. I shall enjoy looking at the links Cloudia, thank you. So many inventive ways to get those surfboards to the beach. Where there's a will, there's a way.

  13. I would love to feel that sun and breeze right now!

  14. LOL!

    Don't hate me because I'm balmy.
    Just consider me your "avatar."
    MMMMM, I have a sudden craving to move to Detroit!

    Love you guys-

  15. We're having rather nice weather here in Southern California but rain is supposed to be here Saturday and we could use it. Love that Madeleine L'Engle quote, thanks Cloudia.

  16. Are those leaves colored that way due to fall or are they always reddish?

  17. HOla Amiga,

    lovely pics. great quotes. i agree although I am a bit of a social butterfly, it has to be with the right kind of fun beachy people or else it is exhausting to be a social cat.

    hugs from cali.

  18. the quotes are brilliant, I'll copy them if I may?

    It's cool and breezy here too, and VERY WET out of the ocean! You could some and surf in the field by the river.

  19. Thanks for visiting today!
    Look in your inbox for my answer, Travis.

  20. I love the Anne Morrow Lindbergh quote, Cloudia. Makes me think of my Buddhist friends and his advice not to waste energy on frivolous social niceties. There is "you" understood and "nice to you" understood....

  21. I like the way that chap was getting his surf board to the beach, very inventive. Would be nice out there too.

  22. Hi Cloudia, missing you and thought I should stop by. Take a photo of that head, would like to see.

    I agree on social life - too exhausting. Talked to a friend tonight who had a rude thing said to her. Finally, I said, "why do you care what she thinks? It's about her, not you." Worked well.

    Going out to give Etta her bedtime snack. Sleep well.

  23. I wish I was at "da Beach". I admit to being quite surprised at the height of the waves for the men's morning runs. 3 feet? And over a reef?

    I am sure that that is technically challenging (my surfing is amusing to real surfers)... and the reef certainly adds a risk dimension...but where are the big waves?


  24. Teresa -- see Cloudia "hanging ten" in her previous posts in her kayak...or I bet she "hangs ten" maybe in flipflops on the that good to ride a motorcycle barefoot? DrumMajor

  25. you make me miss Hawaii! Your photos are unique and wonderful and so alive with color.

  26. i think i would like to live in a house with a view of that back alley - i've just been peeking through all your photos and they are so refreshing!

  27. Happy to see my quote up on your page, among so many fine others.

    If you care for more sayings, I've 299 others where that came from:

    "Signposts to Elsewhere"

    All the best,

  28. Jolly!

    Yes, small waves - the contest was suspended....

    And a QUOTEE showed up! First time!
    Thank you, Yahia

  29. Well, CloudIa, this quotee is actually alive...
    which makes it that much easier to show up;)



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