Saturday, December 12, 2009

Looking Down, Looking Up

ALOHA, Sweetie!

Let's go on a morning stroll together. . .

please remember to click on photos!

Who's that lurking among the leaves?
What secrets small and big does she know?

"I'll tell you how the sun rose a ribbon at a time."
Emily Dickinson

Life is going about it's business all around. . .

"Sadness flies on the wings of the morning
and out of the heart of darkness comes the light."
Jean Giraudoux

Visitors awaken in paradise and are drawn to the lanai to take it all in. . .

"For what human ill does not dawn seem to be an alleviation?"
Thornton Wilder

Palms and their cousins wave: "HELLO!"

"They must often change
who would be constant in happiness or wisdom."


They've been trickling into town.
You see them running, running:
singles, pairs & teams
running in December's sun
it's Honolulu Marathon time once again!

Sunday morning sleepers
will be awakened by the sound of
and the distinct roar
of all the pent up athletes.
By 10 am it will all be in the books
except for the human-interest stories
who limp to the line late in the day
but they finished
they did it
they ran a marathon.

Then it's time to party and drink
to lay by the pool
to luxuriate in accomplishment
still wearing your "Finisher" T-shirt
everywhere you go.

The Honolulu Marathon
is a holiday tradition in Waikiki.
Now we know that Christmas
is really here,
the giant menorah has been lit!
Aloha and l`Chaim!

Our blog friend Kay's husband Art is actually running the marathon.
You can find her blog here:
Kay's Musings

ALOHA, Saturday Friend! cloudia


  1. What a blue sky over the buildings and palmtrees !
    Animals are some pretty colors.
    ALOHA, Cloudia !

  2. You are so wonderful, Cloudia. Thank you very much for your kindness. Here's hoping Art comes out of this experience safely. He never stops challenging himself which is very challenging for ME. First he said he wanted to climb Kilimanjaro. Why? I asked him. Now he wants to do the Marathon. Sigh... The guy's gotta do what he's gotta do. I hope everybody enjoys the race. Looks like the weather is supposed to cooperate. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. That breeze you feel on Sunday afternoon will be me exhaling my relief.

  3. What a place for a run. Though I'd like to amble along those streets and take it all in nice and slow.

  4. What a great way to start a Saturday! Interesting bird. What is it called? It's 22 degrees here....burrr!

  5. All lovely pics and I like the Dickinson quote.

  6. Thanks for the wise words! Aloha! Cloudia!

  7. I have to come to Hawaii (your blog) for sunshine to cheer me and you never fail me! :)

  8. Aloha Cloudia! I won't run the marathon, but would sip a piƱa colada afterwards... ;)

    Blogtrotter has finished Bilbao 2008. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

  9. Cute little birdie,beautiful quotes and i really liked those residential buildings.I hope and pray that Art comes out of it safe and smiling.And that goes for all the people who are participating.

  10. Hope your marathon ends with a fantastic luau. Have one of them umbrella drinks for me sister.

  11. I love your purple little reptilian friend!

    Alocha, l'Chiam and Chappy Chanukkah

    CHilary. :)

  12. Cloudia...
    You're a beautiful published author, your commenters include Durfee AND Sandy Carlson?
    And you visit and grizzled old fart like me to express Well Wishes?
    I should buy a Lotto Ticket...
    It's my Lucky Day!

    BTW....You have a lovely blog...:-)

  13. Thanks for another uplifting post full of wisdom and beauty.
    Have a good marathon. I think Kay takes it harder than Art.

    Happy festival of lights.
    What's that great word you made up? -- Shaloha!

  14. Great posting - again!
    Have a good 'run, baby run!' weekend! :)

  15. I love the first photo
    what a sweet and purple-ish looking creature

  16. Marathon? The only marathons I do are Law & Order or House marathons!

  17. We have a wind chill of 15 today. Thanks,

  18. I bet the weather will be beautiful. Hope you take lots of photos.

  19. Every day I'm just blown away by the quality humans who stop be here and leave such encouraging comments!

    I wish I knew the names of those red headed birds. Of course, I make up my own names for everything and call them "Oahu Woody Woodpeckers."

    There are so many different kids of lizards here. They fascinate me and I'm glad you aren't yet bored looking at them :-)

    Happy Holidays to US, each one!

  20. Aloha Clodia! Just was thinking today: My next blog I put my Hawaii pics on. Once I was there at Chritmas time! But was there more than once! Happy to meet you from New York!
    See my blog:

  21. It's snowing here in Vancouver, and I love visiting your blog for my little mini-vacation. I love Hawaii, and I love looking at the photos on your blog.


  22. Promised to myself to run a Marathon here in Athens before turning 50 years of age - still a couple left to go.
    Yesterdays tree left me a bit speachless - sorry for that, also thank you for that.
    Please have a wonderful Sunday.

  23. Aloha, back! That looks like a purple iguana . . .

    After the run, comes the fun'

  24. i like the bird with red head..hehe

    A smile from SJ =)

  25. Great post, Cloudia. I love the little purple lizard hiding under the leaf. This made me smile yesterday on one of my blog dashes to preserve my sanity. Thanks for sharing.

  26. I love seeing the tropical critters! So colorful.


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