Sunday, March 28, 2010

All These Angry People

Aloha, Friend!


Click on the pictures!
"A sage may hide in many disguises.
The person giving us the hardest time may actually be saving our lives.
We can never tell from one moment to the next if an event is for our well-being,
so it is wise to give everything and everyone the benefit of the doubt."
- David A Cooper

"I'm not young enough to know everything."
Oscar Wilde

Blogger in training :)

"When a friend speaks to me,
whatever they say is interesting."

Jean Renoir

Judgmental people are fragile people.

They so fear what might occur
that they preoccupy themselves with rules.

The ones they judge most harshly are themselves,
but that is cold comfort for their many targets.

As a rule, comfort with diversity grows
along with spiritual self-confidence.

Ironically it is the tolerant who are truly living up to good values
and a high standard. They are confident that Right will prevail,
and so are usually patient with others,
inviting them to join in the joy of goodness
at their own pace
and in their own way.

The tolerant can find good almost everywhere they look,
and are more concerned with fixing problems and healing hurts,
than in finding someone to blame.

Meanwhile the judgmental scrutinize everyone they meet
with a suspicious eye.

They live in a frighteningly lawless world
that may misbehave at any moment.

You see, their god is terribly weak.

They believe that He needs their help
to root out all the world’s sin
or He might miss something.

Emotional passion so rules them
that they believe that hatred,
even violence,
are superior to prayer and compassion
as tools to change the world for the better.

They need our compassion!

A L O H A Cloudia


  1. Killing them with kindness?

    I thought it was just an expression, that it doesn't actually do any harm, but I 'll trust you :)

    I am just going to hope the angry people are just joking around. If not, then they should have been more specific otherwise nothing gets solved.

    Cause I always get the feeling that the most angry ones would be pissed off if there wasn't something to be angry about.

    I can say for myself that I am no longer pissed off that I don't have anything to be angry about.

    hope you enjoy your Sunday Cloudia

    Aloha friend

  2. Oscar quote is interesting And I say:
    I wish to be aware to know everything.

  3. All very good quotes!! I love the Blogger In Training pic! Have a great day!!

  4. I wonder at the anger of them who cry for less government but now that they are unemployed rely on the government for their basic subsistence. Seems to me them that are whipping up the furor ought to be sharing their multimillion dollar paychecks with their minions to help tide them through until they can find work of their own to do.

    But then they would be angry because the government no longer provided them a weekly un-employment check.

    Anger is the self-collapsing circle, where the easily led live.

  5. Quit describing my mother on your blog, Cloudia! ;-)

  6. Love this, and love the blogger in training :-)

  7. Aloha Cloudia! Thankyou for your comment today - and yes Reiki is an intricate part of my life. I started practising many years ago, maybe seven or eight years? It is a wonderful powerful tool to know healing lies cupped within your own hands.
    Enjoy the Waikiki sun and sea for me - I haven't seen the real salt sea since I was last in India, thirteen years ago!

  8. It's true what you've shared here about judgmental people...only I choose not to spend time around such folks. They know how to kill a good spirit.

    Beautiful images and quotes as always, my friend...and once again, thanks for sharing.

    Happy Sunday!

  9. i like the Oscar Wilde quote very much ;)

  10. Makes me think of the gossips and trouble-makers at work who are always finding fault. Such bores. But they are also so very needy. Thanks for this post, Cloudia!

  11. they should have been more specific otherwise nothing gets solved.
    home jobs without registration

  12. The anger rippled through oceans and arrived at our shore.

  13. Amazing post, Cloudia. Your words are true on so many levels.

  14. Thankyou for the kind comments whilst I was absent m'dear, it means a lot. x

  15. exceptionally thoughtful post my friend

  16. A lot of depth in those thoughts of yours.... But the world has too many of those people!

  17. A thoughtful and timely post. Love that blogger in training. :)

  18. I understand that I know nothing
    after fifty years old.

    Again a perfect post my friend.

    Wishing you a very new happy week!

    Aloha from Turkey

  19. pleasant and unforgettable!
    enjoy a Sunday as beautiful as your post!
    cheers, ;)

  20. I loved Oscar quote and this line is simply marvelous..."When a friend speaks to me, whatever they say is interesting.The things said about judgmental people and the tolerant people is very true...thought provoking.Hugs to you my dear friend!!

  21. Love the post, and the quotes, as always!

  22. I just love smart people. :-)


  23. This somehow reminds me of the Biography of Gandhi, a book that I read more than twice - your entry for sure demands the same.
    A wonderful start into the new week.

  24. Interesting point about angry people.

  25. Sounds like it's a lot more work to be angry as well.

    Excellent post!

  26. Hi Cloudia The bird is very sweet In my childhood I live in Hill of Uttranchal with my Mother I remember the bird we called Ghugti .

    My relive my childhood.
    good post

    Dinesh Chandra

  27. hey cloudia, ignoring my facebook request? :(

  28. People that think they have a corner on morality are sadly mistaken, good post. Glad to visit again, Cloudia!

  29. very true an timely.jt

  30. Sounds like some we've heard about lately. Great quotes to think about.


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