Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Sunday

Aloha Sunday,

Did You SPRING ahead
to Daylight Savings Time?

(Steady, parts of Indiana! We know you don't Spring or Fall in time.)


Hawaii remains (as always) in Hawaiian Standard Time.
New York City is now 6 hours ahead of me.
7 AM HST = 1 PM Eastern Daylight Savings

Click on the photos
"When I feed the poor,
they call me a saint;
when I ask why they are poor,
I'm called a communist."
Anonymous South American Priest

"If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of compassion and pity,
you have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men."
- St. Francis of Assisi

"As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart;
A thousand hands will naturally come to your aid;
As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart;
You will reach out with a thousand hands to help others."
Dr. Sha

Thank You for taking your time to visit Da Spiral today!



  1. Really love that bright rainbow arcing over the tall masts! Beautiful photos!

  2. I am SO moving to Partsof, Indiana. Thanks the Lord for the night time, doo doo doo...

  3. Beautiful rainbow. We came to Hawaii for two weeks, and it took me two days to get used to the time difference..we arrived from JFK in New York. It's the only bummer!

    One of my favorite parts of the Hawaiian islands is the Road To Hana..what beautiful terrain..the waterfalls, the cows and horses wandering the range.. the cliffs...

    ..and the black sands amazed me. Hope to see it all again. For now, your blog brings me back. :-)

    Happy Sunday.

  4. Gorgeous pics as always. Thanks for the time change reminder. It explains why I'm so tire. ;)

  5. That rainbow picture is gorgeous!

  6. You're realy very great my blog
    friend,like a spring flower and a
    little ocean sun drop on you,but very

    Have a nice Sunday..

  7. Great photos, Cloudia, even better quotes!!

  8. Ah, now I feel as though I've had the sun on my back... have a lovely week Cloudia !

  9. Actually I did forget to set the clock ahead. But I figured it out before I got started with my day.

    Thanks for the rainbow. It's beautiful. Aloha, Cloudia.

  10. Aloha pretty lady. Had to stop in, it's cold, overcast, kind of a grey kinda day. Love the pics.

  11. Happy Sunday from Chennai India

  12. I like the quote from the priest. Sorry I haven't been by - very down with minor but lengthy illnesses. Ugh.

    Thanks for the sunshine, my friend!

  13. summertime? what are you taking about?
    Not to the end of this month here. Besides, it is still bitterly cold.

  14. How nice to feel that time does not matter once "inside this spiral", enjoying photography and thoughts - timeless indeed.

    Please have a wonderful start into the new week.

  15. Mahalo for the song...a beautiful lullabye before going to matter about the clocks or time...DrumMajor

  16. Personally I think changing the clocks 2x/year is asinine. If a change must be made, I say we fall back 1/2 hour when the time comes & just leave the damned clocks alone. Research shows that the time change causes more car accidents, etc. It's just plain stupid.

  17. Ah, so as I read this, at 1:23 EST, you are just starting your day. Mine has been going for some time now. I always been fascinated with time differences.

  18. I was awake at 3 ayem on Sunday morning with a cramp in my foot .. so I was walking 'round the apartment in hopes of it easing so I could go back to bed/sleep .. but as I walked I also re-set the clocks, hey, no time is ever wasted by me


  19. It's now a seven hour difference between us and my family in Germany. At least for another week or so. Six hours normally. Always a delight to come here Cloudia. I enjoy it so much. Have a great week my friend.

  20. Beautiful pics and video! that rainbow is amazing! Aloha, cher!

  21. you r good to post , i love you . because of your post and your blog is so sweet.
    mail me.

    dinesh chandra

  22. So lovely. Thank you, Cloudia.

  23. Yeah, we sprung but I don't like it.

  24. All good but my favourite is the quote from the South American priest. Lovely photographs.

  25. the colors in your photos are a delight to my eyes, thank you!


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