Thursday, April 22, 2010



please remember to click on the photos :)
"Don't wait;
the time will never be 'just right.'
Start where you stand,
and work with whatever tools
you may have at your command,
and better tools will be found
as you go along."

George Herbert

"A wise woman
puts a grain of sugar
into everything she says to a man,
and takes a grain of salt
with everything he says to her."

Helen Rowland

Leaf litter? Leaf GLITTER!

"The soul that can speak through the eyes,
can also kiss through the gaze."

Gustav Adolfo Becquer


I got GAZED!

Braco (pronounced Brah-tzo)
came to Hawaii this week.

"Who is Braco," I wondered,
when I saw the story about him on KITV.
(video below)

As a REIKI practitioner,
my mind has already been opened to the
seemingly incredible idea that
pure, loving, healing energy
can be felt, and can reliably be
(for lack of a better word)

I started out as a very logical,
grounded, materialist thinker.
Accepting unprovable things as true
always struck me as as an intellectual
and moral

But slowly,
year by year,
I have learned that there is much in this world
that is yet undreamed of in our conceptions.

And in my lifetime
I have seen those conceptions grow in scope.

When I was a kid, acupuncture was mocked,
and lot's of physicians were smokers.

What we "Know"
changes every day.

REIKI is illogical,
but it is undeniable to me now.
I don't understand HOW it works,
just that it DOES.
(Like my car, and the internet)

I have worked with Dr. Hong,
a physician and Qi Gong master
who is attached to the University of Hawaii
John A. Burns School of Medicine;
My results are undeniable,
and launched a whole new phase of life
for me.

I have attended Soul Singing sessions
with Dr. Sha
whose books are New York Times best sellers.
The energy there was familiar too.

It has been hard intellectual work,
and prayer,
and life experience,
that has brought me to the point
of utilizing these things.

So how was it at yesterday's gazing session?

The first thing I noticed was a real
around the people running the event.

I've learned to recognize a certain
as the result of being well atuned
to the loving, healing, forces of the universe,
and these people had it.

Not fake smiles,
just a discernible, genuine, and attractive
like I have observed growing in myself.

I recognized the feeling
when Braco came out.

Yes, he just stands there,

Not making eye contact,
not sweeping the room,
just standing and gazing.

It felt good.
I was especially relaxed the rest of the day,
slept even better than usual,
and my sore shoulder is almost
completely without twinge.

Worrying about the why's
and hows
of life,
sometimes prevents us from
simply experiencing it.

REIKI taught me how very much I lived from the neck up,
I have discovered my body
and am much more comfortable in my skin,
and in life,
than I have ever been.

I keep learning, and growing,
understanding just comes easily

All of this is coming to the world's surface-thinking lately.
Trust your instincts to warn you
of charlatans.
Beware of sales routines.

But thousands of people in Europe
have gone numerous times
to be gazed at by Braco,
Many around the world
have sung with Dr. Sha.

Something is afoot
and I'm very happy to be dancing along.

Free your mind;
and the rest will follow.

Warm Aloha, cloudia


  1. Very interesting! I have very much enjoyed my Reiki and Theapeutic Touch treatments!

  2. One will find their way to the inner as they seek in the outer. Whatever works to bring accord is good and well done.

  3. George Herbert quote - claps.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Gooooorgeous pics and quotes, darling C!


  5. I would love to see that natural, sincere glow you describe in other people. Your posts are extremely inspirational. Love the quote about the sugar and the salt!

    Have a bee-you-tee-full day, Chica!! xo

  6. It is indeed interesting. There are so many mysteries to the world that we want to understand, but don't. I'm learning not to discredit what works for anyone.

    That second photo is amazing!

  7. i heard the beat when you said free your mind and the rest will follow. smiles. love the pick of the flower in the sand and soil.


  8. "Don't wait;
    the time will never be 'just right.'

    My New Mantra!!! Do we have the same camera? Or at lest some of the same viewfinder in our heads! You are so dead on when it comes to everything you post!

    Thank you!

    I worked for a Family practice Dr in the 70's and we did the physicals to allow people to undergo Acupuncture. It was required back then, (The good ole boys had to keep their hand in the till-to translate).

    However I gained a new and never waning respect for the tiny shiny needle and that ART!!

    Great Post!

    Loved it!!!

    See ya Monday! I'll try to take the Sunrise on the Eastern third of the World for you! Same sun--different Ocean-LOL!!


  9. You've done it again Cloudia - another blinder ! Well done.

    Love my daily trip to Hawaii.

    Happy Earth Day

  10. If it works, it almost doesnt matter why or how. Aloha!!

  11. Love that 1st photo--beautiful. Nice sentiment in this post, too.

  12. Touching the soul directly through the eyes and, indirectly, along the dark channels of the blood, the moon is doubly a divinity. Alduous Huxley

    Sinking deeply into mystery. Beautiful post!

  13. I've never heard of being gazed, but I have tried and like many of the other things you are into. Tomorrow is my acupuncture day.

    Keep the qi flowing :)

  14. I seldom see that glow you describe but when I do, I know it to be the real thing - whatever that may be.

    I have seen also, a sort of dazed and glazed look in people's eyes, were it seems they are not fully present. Mostly those people whom I've known you have a specific spiritual leader they follow. This I am not so comfortable with. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I just can't identify with it, as there seems to be something there that is quite hidden from me.

    Hard to explain. Thank you ever so much for you comments on my blog. Are you on facebook? I will look for you!

    All the love,

  15. Wonderful quotations and pics! Thanks for the links. Interesting stuff!!

  16. Very interesting indeed. Makes one wonder whether there's something alike available over here in Athens. Wonderful photography !
    Please have a nice Friday.

  17. That's really cool, I should spend more of my waking hours doing this kind of thing.

  18. Wow, I am so glad you went and shared healing with Braco. He seems very gentle in his energy.
    I am missing my reiki treatments... need to re-start my sessions...

  19. I'm dazzled by your beautiful photos! Wonderful quotes as well, I especially like the second one.

  20. {s-i-g-h}

    oh boy, the leaf glitter could be that of a giant rhodie, just because they resemble cherry laurels doesn't mean they are leaves from that particular plant.

    I believe in channeling and magic and gazes and when all three presented all at the same time is often referred to as hat trick.

    but some call it trifecta, giving it a name or choosing not to believe does not change it.

    Mahalo my Maile Lei wearing and poetic friend!

    with an Aloha to put on top of the whipped cream Amen :)

  21. From the neck up? In my case there is nothing there but cotton batting. No brain, no pain, I always say! ;-)

  22. Very interesting post !!! Love your photos and quotes!! Aloha from....NY!

  23. you are blessed

    namaste /\ from mumbai

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