Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More Confession

Glad You Came By Today

Click on photos
Don't be afraid, Puppy. Just get wet!

"A musicologist is a man who can read music
but can't hear it."

Sir Thomas Beecham

Oh! I always thought that this was about a sloppy house painter.

"This is one of those views which are so absolutely absurd
that only very learned men could possibly adopt them."

Bertrand Russell

"The statistics on sanity are:
that one out of every four Americans
is suffering from some form of mental illness.
Think of your three best friends.
If they're okay, then it's you."

Rita Mae Brown


Time for more confession.

The travel disruptions in the EuroZone due to Iceland's erupting volcano
strike a chord with me.

Though I always enjoy and feel invigorated by travel,
part of me fears that,
Shangrila style,
something could occur
to prevent me from returning to Hawaii.

Why chance it, eh?


  1. Rita quote And I smile.
    And the dog is thirsty I guess.

  2. I tried to get a croton in the garden (in a pot) but my plant died.
    We tried to have alpinias in our greenhouse in winter (we brought them back from Martinique) but they did never grow up,except a few leaves.

  3. I would love to see those beautiful flowers (and sit by that beautiful ocean.)

  4. Well Hawaii IS a long way out from everywhere else- n you never know!
    All the Europeans who couldn't run in the Boston Marathon yesterday are definately bemoaning their travel ex-plans!
    I used to really hate planes until I rode on four in two days for a quick Florida trip. I like the feeling of flying now.
    There's never anywhere like home tho!
    Bet the trains n ships got some extra business out of it!

  5. it is me...smiles.
    i used to think the same about those plants as well...hope you have a fabulous day!

  6. That volcano is playing a nasty part in many a traveller's holiday! Aloha, Cloudia!

  7. Love the photos as always Cloudia. x

  8. Don't worry Cloudia -- favorite Hubby would come get you in the Popeye boat. I hear the British Navy is sending big boats to rescue their citizens. But I would love to be stuck IN Hawaii. Don't forget the Kayak! DrumMajor

  9. I think it would depend on where I was stuck. Fiji wouldn't be so bad.

    Trust me Puppy do more than get wet!

  10. Good point. I feel the same way about "the Hermitage."

  11. I love that statistic on mental illness. I'm looking around . . .

  12. LOL, love the quote about very learned men!

  13. Puppy is cute.The sloppy house painter..what an imagination.You really love your island ,i understand your fear completely.Aloha Cloudia !!

  14. I loved the quotes today, Cloudia. I expect you would find a way to swim or paddle a dug-out canoe to get back to Hawaii if the airplanes stopped running. Maybe something along the lines of your own Kon-tiki adventure?

  15. Lovely photos and fun captions. My three friends are pretty okay so that must mean.....

  16. that puppy looks like a lab/american pit, Pits have a bad reputation so the poor little guy may have to really work on obeying any and every command and maybe his bad reputation will be replaced by a worse one.

  17. for some it is a dream to not be able to return home, for others a fear... for me it is so interesting to see the power of a volcano and how it can change our plans.

  18. My mom had a croton here in NY and when they retired/moved to FL she brought and planted it outside their condo. Its still there ... or was last time I was there. xo

  19. On the traveling concerns, luckily for you, you live in a place where many people are likely to come to you. No need to leave home to see absent friends, sooner or later they will be turning up!

    Poor Iceland, by the way. To put it mildly, it's been a rough time for them in many quarters.

  20. My Beloved has a lot of Tommy Beecham anecdotes. I'll have to post one now and again.

    Why would you leave paradise?

    Thanks for the mail. It was a pleasure.

  21. I have a croton in my kitchen... more red to it than orange/yellow.. but a bit of that too. That volcano has everything running ash backwards.

  22. But travel is so much fun! I say chance it.


  23. DOG DAZE!!!!

    Love it young lady!!!!


  24. I wouldn't mind being stranded in Europe for a month or so. lol Since it's impossible to predict where the next natural disaster might hit, I say go for it and take a chance! Aloha, cher!

  25. I too am glad I came!

    There's an award waiting for you on my Sunshine Award post :)

  26. you always take me to a magical island or event, amazing post!
    Happy Wednesday!


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