Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We'll Make More

Aloha, Friend!

click on photos!
Where are we going, Dad?

"A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on."

Carl Sandburg

People come here to Waikiki from EVERYWHERE!

"A friend who is far away
is sometimes much nearer than one who is at hand.
Is not the mountain far more awe-inspiring
and more clearly visible to one passing
through the valley than to those who inhabit the mountain?"
Kahlil Gibran

"What is the purpose of the giant sequoia tree?
To provide shelter for the tiny mouse."
Edward Abbey


The Hawaii Tourism Authority is funding plans to re-sand our beaches, and to restore our reefs.

So come enjoy our Hawaiian beaches. . .

We'll make more!


  1. "The Hawaii Tourism Authority is funding plans to re-sand our beaches...."

    so are they getting the new sand from San Diego?

  2. How about you send me to the place where the sand is coming from and I will go there before it gets un-sanded.

  3. cool quotes, nice color play, babies or beaches?

  4. thank you for the fun comment,
    take care.
    I enjoy your blog very much!

  5. I prefer the tee-shirt of the first photo.
    Aloha my friend !

  6. Resanding beaches??? Is that anything like manmade snow?

  7. Oh I would love to come visit your Hawaiian beaches someday, darling!

    Another fab post!


  8. Okay -- I've heard about replacing the sand after hurricanes. Where does it come from and how often does it need replacing? Standing on a black sand beach places one in total realization of how small we are, compared to Mother Nature slowly creating the black sand....

  9. (Cloudia -- I'm having to click twice for my comment to that my 'puter's problem or a persistant connection problem?) DrumMajor

  10. Aloha from Türkiye my friend!

    ..have a nice day..

  11. Aloha Cloudia,
    from a friend far away and close at the same time through this happy medium.

  12. Aloha!

    The sand is being pumped from the near sea, back onto the beach.

    Volunteers, and stimulus-fund hires, are clearing the reefs of invasive plants that don't belong there.

    Yes, LOL, we are making more babies too!

    Walking Man: You couldn't stay down there long without scuba :)

  13. Thank you for visiting us

    Have a nice day...

  14. Sounds like the kind of beach one can linger at. Lovely.

  15. ah, would love to!

    great quotes as well.

    happy wednesday!

  16. Many of our beaches here in Vancouver have re-claimed sand too.

    I love Hawaii. I have a friend who is going there on April 12th. I am going to stow away in her luggage. :-)

  17. That baby picture and quote made my heart melt. How true. Life must always go on.

    I needed this happy today. Todah rabah.

  18. You never fail to make me wish I was there. I was about to comment on a different post. I guess maybe you jumped the gun with that one as it's now disappeared. I did watch that video though.. in my head, my hips were a'swayin' ;)

  19. You do have a very clever and creative side, huh? Good! Have fun with it! :) Happy Thursday! :)

  20. "We'll make more"--LOL, beaches--the more, the merrier.

    Maybe you can help Australia. How awful that a Chinese tanker is spilling oil on the Great Barrier Reef.

  21. Such a sweet baby picture and caption.

  22. I love the sequioa tree and baby quotes! the accompanying pictures are great!! hawaii is on my list of places to visit one day!

  23. Those are some hard-hitting quotes. Especially the one about friends. :)

  24. This happens as well at our traditional vacation stomping grounds in North Carolina. Not going there this year, perhaps the beaches are gone?


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