Saturday, May 29, 2010


Aloha, Friend!

"Be like the water,

the wind, the clouds,

the dancing trees;

Flow with joy

where Spirit takes you,

with non-attachment, flexibility

and ease."

Sandra Jayne Bellen

"The supreme object of life is to live.
Few people live.
It is true life only to realize one's own perfection,
to make one's every dream a reality."

Oscar Wilde

"Somewhere over the rainbow,
skies are blue,
and the dreams that you dare to dream
really do come true."

L. Frank Baum

Orange you glad that you scrolled down to this picture?


Australian aborigines talk about the Dream Time,
the insubstantial ground of everything.

The dream, they feel, is mother to the material world
and it is in this fertile space,
(that only seems like a dream)
where the action really occurs.

We moderns prefer the measurable,
and collectible,
transformable by science.
If you can't sell it
it doesn't exist for us.

But what do we think about
and who are we really
underneath the lab coat?

ALOHA, cloudia


  1. Nice quotes.
    I love Alpinia Flowers. We can see a lot in Guadeloupe and Martinique islands. We tried to bring some back home twice but with no success. Even on winter in the greenhouse where there is heating.

  2. Ups ! ALOHA, Cloudia !
    Have a nice week-end. In France tomorrow is Mother's Day.

  3. I've always thought that the Aborigines were on to something.

  4. I loved the 'orange you glad' one. And I have never seen egg fruit.

  5. Beautiful as ever. Cloudia - could you confirm something for me please. Does the word 'tutu' mean Grandmother in Hawaii ?

    I'm writing a piece and my deadline is next Friday, so if you could whizz me over a comment with the answer, I'd be really, really grateful. Or you can email (the addy is on my profile section). Best wishes & thank you !

  6. Have a berry nice weekend yourself Cloudia :)

  7. Visiting your blog always brings a smile to my face and gives me a sense of peace! I've never heard of egg fruit before..

  8. Does egg fruit taste as good as it looks? This is a great post!

  9. that is an organge-y splendid photo.
    And so ething else, Cloudia, my favourite time is dream time!
    But I am not sure that I agree with O.W. that one has to realize one's own perfection to make dreams come true. My 'perfection' is a long way of.

  10. Great great question!


    "Under the Lab coat" paints a beautiful STERILE, and perfect pic of how we like to paint the world- or rather not enjoy the painting before us!!


  11. Claudia, what are egg fruit? The photo of them is interesting.

  12. What ARE egg fruit?

    I was hoping YOU would know

  13. You have some beautiful quotes and gorgeous pics here Cloudia!! Happy Weekend to you!

  14. wonderful photos and words to inspire.

  15. Magical words and photos!

    Dreams are the stuff life is made of.

  16. Your last sentence is a real clincher. Two such lab coats are in my family.

    I myself love the Dream Time stories.

    Egg fruit?!

  17. Claude mentioned that it is Mother's Day in France. Interesting. In Portugal it is the Sunday before our mother's day in the U.S.

    I love any quote by Oscar Wilde.


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