Wednesday, May 26, 2010

So Clooney - So Close

Aloha Movie Fans!

Click on the Clooney

"Ideals are like stars,

you will not succeed in touching them with your hands.

But like the seafarer on the desert of waters,

you choose them as your guides,

and following them

you will reach your destiny."

Carl Shurz

"Tact is,

after all,

a kind of


Sarah Orne-Jewitt

"Man (or woman :)

will do many things to be loved;

he will do all things

to get himself envied."

Mark Twain


I rarely go to the yacht club anymore,
even though it is just 156 steps from my boat.
But Saturday night,
a little angel whispered in my ear:
"Why not put on some bling and go over to the club?"

The idea was tantalizing for a moment
before being overtaken by
Polynesian paralysis.

The next day the harbor was abuzz;
George Clooney,
and a few of his colleagues
who are filming here on Oahu
were at OUR club
for a quiet evening of drinking!

George was tending bar
and VERY approachable
to club members who came by.

You can't avoid me forever,


  1. Nice captures Cloudia. Handsome George Clooney woootttt! wooot! Yay! am a Self confessed movie fan.

  2. I really like the quote about tact!

  3. OH Wow! That does it! I'm coming home to Hawaii.

  4. You got to meet George Clooney???? I am so jealous!

  5. Sorry Cloudia but I am not a George Clooney fan. I do not know why. may be because of the pub movies he plays for Nespresso.
    I have the same hibiscus.
    Aloha, Cloudia !

  6. So did you or didn't you go to the club when George Clooney was tending bar? And if not, why not?

  7. Tact is mind reading. I never thoguht of that but it's so true. No wonder I'm so bad at being tactful.

  8. No I didn't go over...
    hence the sound of kicking myself,

    Glad I got to be with You here :)

  9. Ahhhh, life is full of missed opportunities!!!!

  10. Oh wow! Get dressed and go now. Sit there until he returns. Oh wow!

  11. nice pics...would have been neat to talk to him for a bit...and ask him why the whole Batman movie...really just why....

  12. oohh my god veryy handsome..ı want to
    touch him :DDD

    heey ı love you beatiful girl..:))

    Aloha aloha xoxo

  13. I wasn't a George Clooney fan until I saw his latest movie Up In The Air, I guess he basically plays himself but it was a wonderful performance. Too bad you didn't listen to your inner self and pop over.

  14. Cloudia, the whole idea of going to the club is to see and be seen. See, you miss Clooney and now we have to moan with you at the missed oppurtunity. Darn.
    Wait. Did you say there will be filming nearby?

  15. Filming for "The Descendants" wraps up filming this week!

    Bye, George...

    Next up: Hawaii 50 on CBS this Fall

  16. We like YOU Cloudia!

    Much more approachable than George! LOL,


  17. Some girls have a the luck! What fun! Beautiful post.

  18. Fantastic captures. That is a beautiful hibiscus flower, the color I have not seen before.

  19. Ahhh that "little voice" tried to get you to bling-up and go meet The George. We never win when we ignore it!

  20. nice pic , great days .

    cloudia waht a beautiful life i jalous.

    good bog & good post .

    Dinesh Chandra

  21. Swoon... Clooney! Gorgeous!

    And great quotes too... ;-)

  22. I must have misplaced my invitation... ;) Glad you had fun. :)


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