Wednesday, August 4, 2010



"Trust is like a mirror,

you can fix it if it's broken,

but you can still see the crack

in that mother fuckers reflection."

— Lady Gaga and Beyonce`

Tiny Surfers - Big Ocean

“The more you lose yourself

in something bigger than yourself,

the more energy you will have.”

Norman Vincent Peale

Again with the reflections.

"Reflective thinking

turns experience

into insight."

- John Maxwell


My attentions have followed the cultural elite

right off a cliff

into a short-attention-span state

like that of Brave Ulysses.

I am beguiled by the siren posts

of you other dreamers.

My attention and time are spent

but with the metabolism of a bird

distracted by the shining web-tinsel;

Our formerly serviceable minds

now hop and tweet

from limb to limb

never alighting long enough

to sing a novella,

build the nest of description,

or (sometimes) a career. . .

. . . Tweet Tweet!

Aloha fellow web-brain :)


  1. Love the car window reflections and the quotes, as always!

    thanks for your support! Hugs!

  2. brilliant post!

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  3. Again with the reflections.
    - The said lines picture is excellent

  4. I love that reflection on the back of the car.. and tiny surfers.. too cool.

  5. I love the quotes and the reflections!

    Aloha Webby friend!

  6. Love the reflection pictures and the tiny surfers! I think your thoughts are very deep.

  7. Love the shot of the huge ocean and those miniature surfers.

  8. I love the Cream song "Tales of Brave Ulysses" with the trippy lyrics by poet Peter Brown.

    I don't think Ulysses tweeted, but I could be wrong.

  9. Love the tiny surfers! The water looks amazing! I wanna dive into that ocean!!!! Have a fantastic weekend!!

  10. I can't get over how clean that person's car window is. LOL. You would not get the same photo if my Eugene was there!


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