Monday, October 4, 2010



Thanks for Visiting

The only truly valuable things

are time,

and love.

All else is mere exchange.

We all struggle with limitations.

None of us can be 100%

100% of the time.

How we handle those limits

is ultimately more important

than what they are. . .

"The question is:

'Will you be a wounded hurt-er

or a wounded healer?'"

Cornel West

"Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering.

There is a crack in everything,

That's how the light gets in."

~Leonard Cohen

"Peace is our gift to each other."

Elie Wiesel


Your visit & comment

are gifts

that I value;




  1. Wow, here are some remarkable photos!
    Love love the #1 quote...I can so relate to it! It's my motto I ean.

    B xx

  2. Wonderfully uplifting words and photos. Time and love really are valuable, aren't they?

  3. I try to heal wounds. I doubt I do that very well.

  4. Oh, Cloudia, you've no idea how badly I needed this today...


  5. I feel the same.

    Howdy from Texas.

  6. G' Day From Australia, We are only human with all our faults so we can't be a 100% all the time.
    Leonard Cohen brillant songwriter and poet and still touring at 70 years+.

  7. A poet philosopher you are. And you have a remarkable camera eye.

  8. Hi from the hills;
    let's all do as you say and be healers rather than hurters.

    Aloha, friend.

  9. Just what I needed to hear today. Thanks, Cloudia.

  10. Fingers on the pulse of the world you own. Impressed.

    Please have a good Tuesday.

    daily athens

  11. Spectacular. I like that thought about the crack letting the light in. Thank you for this post.

  12. I adore both your photographs and your words of inspiration! Aloha Cloudia!!
    Jeanne of bichonpawz

  13. Aloha from Helsinki, Finland!
    Back to Casa next Monday...

  14. I can be 100%, 100% of the time because I keep changing the limits I must live up to.

  15. thats how the light gets in .... so true!

  16. Gorgeous flower, Cloudia. I can't believe it's another week already. Is it just me or is Time speeding up?

  17. Aloha Cloudia! Me too!!

    Great quotes...
    Blogtrotter Two just left Sardinia 2009, but it couldn’t make it without showing you the incredible Porto Cervo and its yachts... Enjoy and have a great week!

  18. Hello, friend. Just popping in to see what you're up to. Loving the photos and food for thought.

    I had an old stilted house in Nuuanu. Out my kitchen window was a panoramic view of Honolulu Harbor, Aloha Tower. I would stand at the sink doing dishes while the wind whipped thru jalousie windows blowing my hair and anything not weighted down. I loved it there. Aloha

  19. Wonderful quotes and photos, as ever

  20. Those photos are gorgeous Cloudia and I enjoyed reading this post. Today has been full of little niggles. In fact, I felt quite grumpy after them all and couldn't believe that everything came at once, a bumper crop of downers. Then I remembered a friend of mine who has managed to get through a very tough life with an upbeat attitude. She often said, "People can be in pain but they don't have to be one", saying all this with a smile on her face. In the grand scheme of things to get upset at those niggles seemed very silly. So, here's my frown turned upside down :) I think there's a song about that somewhere isn't there? I am leaving your blog smiling. Aloha my friend. Many smiles to you from Virginia.
    An English Girl Rambles

  21. I wanted to comment on your tribute to the Japanese American Veterans. Excellent job. Thanks for sharing it. But I couldn't locate the comments link.


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