Saturday, November 6, 2010

Alan Brennert

A L O H A !

Alan Brennert, 
by me :)

There are recognized artists,

 who remain humble even while enjoying best seller(s),

 the laurels, and the rewards that success brings.

 They feel, perhaps, a responsibility to their muse &

 a mission to carry the torch with some purpose greater than

 their own egos.

 They remain alert to the struggling beginner

 for whom a kind word is like winning a prestigious award.

 No need to lie, a mere friendly acknowledgement

 will satisfy the hobbyist, 

feed and fire up the true & lonely journeyman.

Such an artist is author Alan Brennert.

A while back I blogged a review of Alan Brennert'sMolokai a novel that haunts me still with it's successful alchemy of research, skill, & magic.

 (You can look at that review here)

Well, out of the blue, Mr. Brennert was kind enough to

 send me a friendly e-mail graciously thanking me for the

 review! His book is already HUGE, and he's on to the next

 ones. He didn't have to do that. He wrote that my little 

Hawaii novel, Aloha Where You Like Go?

 and this blog,

 looked "interesting" and invited me to meet him

 here in Honolulu during the promotional tour of his 

follow up, Honolulu.

That's when I took the picture of him at top.


Later, he sent me the link to the interview below

 in which he kindly quoted something

 I had said to him when we met:

A:One of the aspects of your writing I love best is your ability to cover a wide scope of time through a collection of moments with emotional poignancy. You are one of the few authors who can make a novel feel like it spans an entire life without leaving out anything of significance. Can you articulate your philosophy of writing?
AB: I can’t say I have a conscious philosophy other than that the story should be both historically and emotionally true.  I don’t bend history to accommodate the plot nor do I have my characters behave in a way that isn’t true to themselves just to advance the story.  And in Moloka’i and Honolulu I also strived to be—in the words of my friend, Honolulu writer Cloudia Charters—“Hawai’i true,” that is, accurate in depicting Hawaiian culture, society, and traditions..    (source HERE)

Yesterday, Alan kindly sent me the link to the web page below that mentions both of us. . . as if we were in the same category or something!  Alan is the real deal. He produces great books with absorbing characters set in complex environments that he researches deeply. If you can't visit us in Hawaii, you can feel as if you are here by immersing yourself in his best selling novels.
Knowing Alan and reading his books have proven to me that "best seller" doesn't have to mean middle of the road pablum.

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Do you enjoy fiction books about Hawaii?

I just finished Honolulu by Alan Brennert. It's a time piece following 4 picture brides and their lives from Korea to Oahu and spans about 60 years. I loved it.

I had previously read Molokai by the same author and enjoyed that very much as well.

I also enjoy Kiana Davenport's books...though I set aside Song of the Exile and then moved-so I need to go through some pretty big boxes to locate it-but I'm on a roll-so I think I'll do that. If you haven't read Shark Dialogues-this really is her premier piece. Start there.

I also enjoyed a really light read while on Oahu this past year called Aloha, Where you like go? About a woman who moves to the BI following her boyfriend and eventually lands in Oahu and drives a taxi. This one is a little graphic-but heartwarming never the less.
I also enjoyed the Chicken Soup for a Hawaiian Soul and the Glen Grant ghost stories...but to be honest-I almost did want to return to Oahu after reading some of the about chicken skin.

Please add your favorite authors and books about the Hawaiian Islands.

I need a fix.

(Source HERE)

So hey, get Alan's Hawaii novels. You won't be 


Then, if you have the appetite for a little light reading you

 can pick up my little novel "Aloha Where You Like Go?"

(HERE)   Just remember:  

 "This one is a little graphic-
but heartwarming never the less."

       Aloha, cloudia


  1. Oh, Cloudia, how stupendous!!! Congratulations! Well, guess what, I am going to re-read your novel today. Loved it the 1st time and will no doubt love it the second.

  2. Cloudia -- Please permit me one correction: YOU, TOO, are the REAL DEAL! I'll acquire Mr. Bennett's books, but like Gigi, I think I'd just like to re-read your's first... DrumMajor

  3. congratulations, Cloudia.
    It is always true, a kindness done to others will be returned to you.

  4. He sounds like a kind, gracious down-to-earth sort of person. No doubt like-minded folks attract one another because I'm also describing you.

  5. Wow! You're famous. Guess I know what book I need for a light read on the plane to Hawaii next March ;-)

  6. Rare things are looking for something alike.

    Please have a good Sunday you all.

  7. nice. i will check out his books...

    aloha from va!

  8. You are awesome to promote his work. He was wise to thank you. You are a fine lady in every sense. A good connecting!

  9. We all know you are awesome Cloudia! Now even more awesome as you are famous too!! Wonderful that you are promoting fellow artists / writers. Have a terrific Sunday!!

  10. hello..greetings to you Cloudia..

  11. Now you know why I pretty much stick to poetry today. You novelists are way to gracious. Poets tend to the opposite side of the spectrum and that is where the laughs are. I didn't think 'Where you like to go' to graphic at all I thought it honest. But then what the hell do I know I am a poet and from Detroit.

  12. That's wonderful Cloudia. I have your novel on my end table as I type this. It made for a wonderful read and I agree with DrumMajor, you my friend are the real deal.

  13. This was such a generous and kind post. So nice of you to write about Mr. Bennett.

    Though I know your intention was to promote his book, I'm even more curious to read yours - graphics and all. So, I'm going to do just that - get yours and read something light and graphic.

  14. Good for you, Cloudia!
    You're awesome my friend!

  15. I read and loved Molokai....will have to purchase Honolulu....
    I have Aloha, Where you like go on my in line to read!
    The Girl Who Played With Fire is taking a little longer to read than I anticipated.....good book....I'm not sitting still long enough to finish it.

  16. You are so wonderful, Cloudia!

  17. OMG!

    You make me float a foot or two off the ground!!!!!!!

    Mahalo Nui Loa-------


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