Sunday, January 30, 2011

Doritos Fishing

Welcome to Sunday Jump-Ups!

go ahead and click on the photos - you know you want to
Fishermen working for Frito-Lay go out at dawn.
 Here we see them returning to port with the huge Mother-Doritos
 that are processed into the snack you know.

 Each "mother" yields 12 dozen cases of Doritos.
Some are kept in huge tanks for research and breeding purposes.  A water show was attempted years ago,
 but these gentle giants don't put on much of a show - except when they are spawning!
 Sailors of old described their wonder at oceans churning with orange triangle babies under a full moon.
  Careful conservation
 keeps the breed from the endangered list. 
 Man could never produce such a tasty treat in a
 mere laboratory!

Rat Fink is quietly retired
in Waikiki. Here

The children of Diamond Head Elementary School
play `neith the emerald slopes of their school's
name sake.

Let's you and I sit by the pool awhile.

"Hold out your hands
And ask for health and happiness
For all those you have met and love
Letting the message be carried away
On a gentle prairie breeze."

"Out on the Prarie Blog"

I brought some GAU from Chinatown for us.
Happy New Year - Gung Hee Fat Choy

Just gotta call about this deal first!


Good Luck in the  
Year of the Golden Rabbit!


What are you doing/thinking
        today?  cloudia


  1. I just LOVE the Doritos Fishing picture. It is soooo funny. Wish I could catch some here off the pier.

  2. Damn Doritos overfishing, the ones we get on the east coast are tiny things!

    Great post Cloudia!

  3. lol! Those are some serious Doritos! :)

  4. Diamond Head looks scenic. No surprise.

    I remember The Diamond Head Game with Bob Eubanks. I was little.

  5. Ratfink! I wondered where that rascal went!

  6. What FireBlossom said.

    I heard that if you wipe your hands in the ocean after consuming Dorito's they will spawn faster.

  7. I could use a little sitting by the pool. I convinced my dh to not go to Chicago tomorrow on business - blizzard warning!

  8. I wondered where they fished for the Doritos ..

  9. I am resting my back after moving a complete household;d of furniture and CRAP--LOL, Sat and Sunday!

    What a job!

    Great pics, and I did take a dip in the pool!


  10. I've always wondered how Doritos are cultivated, now I know that they are caught in the ocean.
    thanks for the info.

  11. Laughing at those Doritos the fishermen brought in!

    Have a wonderful week!

  12. You have no idea how very much I'd love to sit by the pool with you!!

  13. Love you folks!

    Thanks SO for stopping by


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