Thursday, January 27, 2011

State of Union Insights

"There's no doubt 
that the residue of Hawaii will always stay with me,
 and that is part of my core.
  What's best in my message,
 is consistent with the tradition of Hawaii."

President Barack Obama,
speaking in Honolulu, 
December 2004

 The ALOHA Spirit
 is enshrined in the State Law of Hawaii
 which refers to it as:

 "-the essence of relationships
 in which each person
 is important to every other person
 for collective existence."

 "The multicultural nature of Hawaii. . .
has a cultural bias toward courtesy
 and trying to work through problems
 in a way that makes everybody feel
 like they're being listened to.
  And I think that reflects itself in my personality
 as well as my political style."

Barack Obama

"Barry (the President) has a depth of knowing
that what we have in common in Hawaii
 is our difference.
That's Hawaii."

Manu Alulii Meyer,
his schoolmate at Punahou School,

"Hawaiians are affiliative;
 we really want to bond with people.
Every time I see Obama, he's touching people,
That's island all the way."

Sally-Jo Bowman, 
author: The Heart of Being Hawaiian 


There you have it.
from me
      to YOU, cloudia

leave a comment :)


  1. Now, that explains a few things,among which are the President's warmth and personality.

  2. Hello Cloudia!Your photos are so beautiful!I love to see them.They make my day better!Thank you for sharing.Have a nice weekend!

  3. ...-the essence of relationships in which each person is important to every other person for collective existence."

    Sadly an idea almost completely lacking here in South Carolina.

  4. Wish more of us had a culture of courtesy. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Barack Obama is doing well, isn't he? Lovely photos Cloudia! I hope you had a great day yesterday! Fijne dag morgen! Nice day tomorrow!

  6. South Louisiana is like Hawaii, in that same way. :) Great pics, as always! Aloha, cher!

  7. I think the world would be a better place if it adopted more of the kind of balanced, humanistic spirit that guides life for Hawaiians. I'm a rose-colored-glasses optimist, and I believe that this will ultimately be channeled in so many the President's words...and in yours.

    Oh, and happy anniversary! 25 years...what a wonderful milestone. Definitely something for me to shoot for. Whatever you do, you always manage to inspire others, including me.

  8. How proud you must be.

    Please have a good Friday you all.

    daily athens

  9. I always feel that extra warmth when I've been somewhere else and return to Hawaii. It isn't just the climate.
    What gets me most on the Mainland is the way too many people stick to their own kind and don't want to meet others halfway. Makes for a lot of really boring social occasions.

  10. Aloha Cloudia

    if I can understand the Island way of life, but with color-blind eyes, is that bad? (I mean besides it making me stick out a little because my vision is fuzzy)

  11. He is a thoroughly good and decent man. No wonder so many who are not are so deeply confused right now. May we reach them before they harden up again!

  12. I really liked this post, Cloudia. It's so true, isn't it. I guess that's what I like most about Obama. He really tries to understand and value people. If only those lovely people across the aisle would recognize that.

  13. I was thinking the same must be so proud! Warmth and Personality...describes you to a T!! Great post Cloudia!

  14. I just found a web site explaning the Spirit of Aloha. I will print what it is writen to read it.
    The first sky is really beautiful with the palmtrees in foreground.
    Barack loves Hawaï and me I love Barack !
    Aloha, Cloudia !

  15. Sadly there are 49 other states that do not have this amity. There are 49 other states sending people to a central government with over 500 people only concerned with their own power grab. From top to bottom they can all go to Pele.

  16. There are many who should read this post but wont .. I refer to the distinguished members of the opposition


  17. Nice photos as usual, and I like Obama : )

  18. Mahalo for the wonderful definitions. That Aloha spirit is hard to put into words and your examples and photos are beautiful. (Went to US Virgin Islands once....won't go back again...the people were pushy and rude.) Hawaii is beautiful, but the people make it like no where else in the world. Aloha, DrumMajor

  19. Cloudia, I can always count on you to provide images that are balm to the weary mind. You live in a restorative place and I am always so grateful to you that you share it.

    Thank you :-)

  20. Lovely post Cloudia showing what a beautiful place Hawaii is. :)

  21. Thanks for the previous post; I could only get here today, but better late than never. Congratulations, stay happy and loving.

    We see Obama as a very special man, wish there were more Americans who saw him that way.

  22. wow those are lovely words for your hometown...congrats!!!love your shots as always.

  23. Love these quotes... Twin and Trumps are just fine!


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