Thursday, February 17, 2011

And I Was There

Hawaii Civil Unions Bill
 Wins Final Approval
New Governor Will Sign!

Hawaii State Senate Chamber, Yesterday

Feeling the weight of history on my shoulders,
I was there for all those abused folks
who never lived to see this day.

There had been much contention and hurt feelings. . . Years of sign waving, lobbying,
tears and slurs;
but the day had really come.

After some final speech-i-fying:

 Souls Took Flight!

Song of the Day!

How Long Has He Waited?  

Will she ever understand
 how it used to be, or 
the battles fought for her?

Those are the people we elect. . . doing our business.

Mahalo - Thank You!


  1. Anything that paves the way to a more tolerant humanity, I applaud.

    Aloha Cloudia :) A beautiful post. I have enjoyed all of your photos but the ones with the birds taking flight, and the quote underneath it, outstanding!

  2. congratulations
    lovely shot with the flying birds!

  3. yes, the time has finally come to give equal rights to all.

  4. great to know that sense prevailed

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  5. Is it not that's what United States of America is all about ! Freedom, Equality for all and Ultimate democracy yearned by others !

  6. You all need to send some Aloha spirit to Wisconsin

  7. Nice Cloudia!

    some day soon the world majority will realize our mistakes and speak out, write out and sing out that there is nothing wrong with who each of us are!

    Aloha Cloudia!

  8. Isn't it just too bad that all of the other states don't pass this? Great post Cloudia!

  9. Finally! I'm glad our government did it. It says a lot about our state, something good.

  10. Lovely picture of these flying bird on the beach.

    greetings, Joop

  11. Splendid pics. I loved the "Souls in flight"! - and took the first one to be an opera house.

  12. There any haters in Hawaii that are going to move this one too through the court system to get another great progressive agenda law in front of this piece of shit Supreme Court of the United States?

  13. I'm lovin that top that girl has on!

    Why is there a giant disco ball in the senate chamber?

  14. Beautiful picture of these flying bird!

  15. A wonderful post, C. Love the fotos. Happy to hear Hawaii is humane and civilized!

  16. Congratulations to our wonderful politicians and our new Governor. I feel lucky I live Hawaii today.

  17. Excellent. Amen. Phew.

    Let's hear it for love. And let's be quiet about it.

  18. Today I send you a friendly Aloha from Germany...

    Best wishes

  19. Thank you for your lovely thoughts and photos. I've been thinking of Martin Rice so much. You touched the moment. Love,

  20. Aloha Cloudia! Interesting to see it happen in Hawaii... We'll see how it develops elsewhere...

    Keen on modern art? Blogtrotter Two has it... Enjoy and have a great weekend. Hopefully sunny!!

  21. Hi Cloudia!!!!!
    Beautiful as ever I see...

  22. another of your beautiful posts Cloudia. Happy weekend... how I'd love some of your tropical sun over here...

  23. the spirits took flight photo says it all

    thank goodness for a step forward

  24. Congrats to the people of Hawaii!! Have a good day : D

  25. I will always remember not to trash any beach and reprimend those who do at the risk of being yelled at or being called names.

  26. Yippee! Thanks for posting about this!

    P.S. do you like figs? Come by! :-)

  27. Aloha Cloudia:
    And I too Was There when the Senate passed SB 232 onto the Gov...and when the Senate confirmed Sabrina McKenna as our new HI State Supreme Court Justice.
    What a historic and joyful day!


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