Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Here's Your Sun

Welcome to the Sunshine

I sometimes wonder,
 would it be like if I lived in a country
 where winter is a matter of a few chilly days
 and a few weeks' rain;
 where the sun is never far away,
 and the flowers bloom all year long?"

Anna Neagle

("It's pretty cool, actually."

"The respect of those you respect
is worth more
than the applause of the multitude."

Arnold Glasow

"Silent gratitude
isn't much use
to anyone."

G.B. Stern


“Most novelties, if they last one season, it’s a lot.
 If they last two seasons, it’s a phenomenon.
 To last 35 years is unheard of.”

"Uncle" Milt Levine, 1991

"The ants' most amazing feat
was putting my three kids 
through college."


Ant farm mogul Milton M. Levine of Uncle Milton’s Ant Farm fame
 died Jan. 16 in Thousand Oaks, Calif. at the age of 97,
 but not before selling his company for $20 million or so,
 which happens to be about a dollar for every Ant Farm ever sold.

Levine’s Eureka moment came in 1956,
 when he spotted a mound of ants during a Fourth of July picnic
 at his sister’s poolside in Southern California.

“We should make an antarium.”

Selling for $1.98,
 the original 6-by-9-inch ant farm was an immediate hit,
 soon selling thousands a week by mail order to children.

Farewell, Uncle Milt!

Thanks for keeping your magnifying glass
in your pocket.

Thanks for visiting today!
       Comment?  cloudia


  1. I don't think I ever owned one of those ant farms. I had enough of those insects in Waipahu where I grew up.

    Beautiful photos and quotes, Cloudia. Have a wonderful, sunny day.

  2. I never owned an ant farm, either. Great post!

  3. I always thought that ant farms were more famous in the comics and cartoons than in real life. Now he's gone to that big ant hill (my nieces call me Aunt Hil) ;) in the sky.

  4. I never owned one. Della won one, but we never mail-ordered the ants. We have a hard time taking prisoners around here.

    Cool post, beautiful lady.

  5. Guess we are not the type to 'keep prisoners' LOL :)

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral



  6. never heard of antariums!

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  7. Gorgeous pics, wish I was there...

  8. I yearn for the sun.

    Strive for the respect.

    Profess my thanks.

    And marvel at simple and genuine genius.

  9. Unfortunately my daughter's ant farm started to smell really bad...

  10. We had ant farms when my kids were little. They were quite fun and lasted a long time. The kids learned a lot. Sorry to hear that Uncle Milt died!

  11. Great quotes! Sure could use some of that sunshine, over here! Ice storms predicted for tomorrow! Aloha, cher!

  12. see now i think you are just rubbing in the heat to us that are freezing...smiles.

    aloha from va...

  13. sounds as if he had a twin brother in the opposite land of, because I get the feeling mister merriam the ante up also existed in an aqua marine blue, even though his alternate books were read.

    thank you everyone for making me smile no matter how many times my crazy posts sounded uncomfortable

    Aloha Cloudia, to you and everyone


  14. Great post. I own a bug farm just kidding.

  15. Sunny days are nice, but I love the rain too to balance things out! Haha! Have a good day! : )

  16. I never had an ant farm but it hasn't stopped me from admiring them - much better than watching paint dry or grass grow ;)


  17. If I had owned an ant farm i am sure my older brother would have replaced the benign black ants with fire ants. He is just that kind of guy.

  18. I wonder if they buried him with one ..

  19. Cloudia visit your blog is like visiting paradise and a well of wisdom. A hug.

  20. I am SO ready for some sun - send it over!

  21. My brothers and son had a couple of antfarms. One huge one was quite interesting to watch their tunneling and working. The ants were ordered from a form in the farm box. When they came, we were to put them in the freezer for so many minutes, then quickly funnel them into the farm panels and sand before they woke up and started running around. It was tricky feeding them the right amount of sugar water. No ant worries right now in Kansas: 18.5 inches of snow in my yard. Bleh. DrumMajor

  22. I never owned an ant farm but I owned a sandpit farm, hey just kidding!:))

    Happy Chinese New Year dear!

  23. Happy Year of the Rabbit Everyone!!!!!

  24. I think equal time should be given to the Uncle farm.

    I'm just sayin'....cuz.

    Hugs from the East Coast,



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