Saturday, February 12, 2011

the REAL thing

Aloha Has Real Meaning Today
Because of These Three
Women. . .

 Iolani Luahine 
The Holy Dancer



    Mary Kawena Pukui


 The KUMU (Source)

Edith Kanakaole

The Teacher

"Eddie Kamae, shared with  MidWeek  (HERE)
some of his own personal recollections about
 these three women:
“Iolani is a dear friend of mine,” he says.
  She was a free spirit 
and she loves everything she does.”
He says hula priestess Luahine has done things 
he’s never seen in his life before.
 For instance, hula master George Naope
 told Eddie this story.
 One time, the Queen of Tonga
 and an FBI escort were visiting on the Big Island
 and the queen would not get out of the car
 because it was too windy.
“Iolani turned around, chanted,
 and the wind stopped,” Eddie says,

 retelling Naope’s story.
 “After that, the queen and the FBI
 were supposed to go to a hotel in Kona,
 and instead they went to Iolani’s house
 in Napoopoo, where she summoned
 all the animals to greet the queen.
 Her dog barked, her cat meowed,
 her rooster crowed, her pig oinked,
 and they bowed to the queen.
When someone said
 that they are not supposed 
to be at Iolani’s house, 
an FBI agent replied,
 ‘If she can stop the wind, we are going to be here.’”

Below is some old footage. It is worth a "look/listen"
even if you don't watch the whole thing.
Warmly, cloudia


  1. I love and admire women of the past. Somehow I think they are stronger, more proper and classier than us today.

  2. We rock too!
    Thanks for visiting, OG

  3. I adore local history, the threads that bind the present to the source of wisdom. Thanks for sharing this, Cloudia

  4. Salute to the story with 3 great women of Hawaii...

  5. Very Interesting. Like the Video too...


  6. Thanks for sharing great local lore.

  7. So very beautiful. I watched the video. She seems to be completely in tune with the landscape, the breeze, the light. That makes for some beautiful music!

    Thanks for introducing me to these ladies.

  8. amazing!!

    namaste /\ from mumbai


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