Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Girls Squeal


It's a perfect day for a computer tip
and some guys dancing HULA!

"That's a one-size-fits-all
 gift to humanity:
refusing to take offense."

Carolyn Hax

"The need to be right
 is the sign of a vulgar mind." 

Albert Camus 


Now for the browser tip:
 If your browser (Chrome, Mozilla/FireFox, etc) is not allowing you to comment, 
view, or do something,
just copy the web address by left clicking on it,
 right click to copy,
 then paste into another browser!
  You needn't close the browser you are using,
 and can return to it afterwards.


And now for some men dancing Hula.
 Listen to the girls SQUEAL!

           Thanks for YOUr visit today! cloudia


  1. Hello, Cloudia!
    Here is some sort of spring already, even we have like 0 degree...ha ha!
    Thank you for your great post!
    I wish you a wonderful weekend!

  2. Right click, left click, browser--I love it when you talk techno! Looks like next Feb for my Hawaii trip, aloha!

  3. I can't view videos today. I had to take a bunch of apps off my computer because it was running so slow but looks like I took the wrong one off and have to reload it.

  4. For now, I am totally struck dumb by that first photo. AMAZING!

    I may have to come back later!

    ;-) Be good (not)

  5. I love that first photo. Had to stare at it for a while. Also at those guys. Stared at them even longer.

  6. Wow! Those guys are really built! No wonder the girls are squealing. Oh... and they dance well, too.

  7. Aloha Cloudia! Hula brings me back fifty years ago... ;)

    Nice is nice, don’t you agree? Check it at Blogtrotter Two... Enjoy and have a great week!!

  8. Not being able to leave comments, on blogspot, maybe a cookie setting problem. You must allow all cookies to play if you want to comment on blogs. Something that most security experts recommend against.

    And today I saw my first male hula dancing. Thanks.

  9. You live in such a nice world.

    Please have a good Sunday you all.

    daily athens

  10. Thanks for the tip and the clip, Cloudia :-). I'm new to your blog and have just spent some time browsing through your earlier entries. I've really enjoyed my visit and will be back. You've created a lovely spot for your readers to enjoy.Have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

  11. I enjoyed that video. The song told a beautiful, beautifully enacted story.

    Thanks for this post!

  12. Love, love, love your world Cloudia!!! I simply cannot WAIT to get out on my scooter...sadly...I think it will be April!!

  13. I love, love love Hawaii!!

    Happy Sunday!

    B xx

  14. When is the Next Book-"Hawaii- for Dummies", coming out!

    Great stuff!



  15. What studs! What precision! I almost didn't visit, having spent an hour and a half shovelling snow. hard to see the palm trees and lovely open water. But these dudes were worth it!
    I have been following Kay, too! Another lovely lady. Thanks for opening my eyes up and allowing me to travel virtually.
    aloha, dear friend.

  16. Isn't Carolyn Hax the advice columnist? I love advice columns!


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