Monday, March 7, 2011

How To See Amazing Things

Aloha, Friend!

come inside. . . 

click on the pictures for revelation

"I have a new philosophy.
 I'm only going to dread
 one day at a time."

Charles M. Schulz 

“The sunrise never failed us yet” 

Celia Thaxter

“Climb up on some hill at sunrise.
 Everybody needs perspective once in a while,
 and you'll find it there.” 

Robb Sagendorph


Leaving home without my camera
always guarantees
that I will see amazing things!

The other day
I realized that I was
out walking
without mine. . .

That's when I noticed
the crisp federal officers
waiting by an apartment building
here in the neighborhood.

Senator Innouye was about to come down
and head out on his day 
of business 
here at home in his "district."

I chatted with the Feds
and vowed to always remember 
my camera-

-but I had missed my chance
to take a photograph
with a living icon.

Always remember
to take
 your camera!

         Warmly, cloudia


  1. Ain't that the truth! I got a nice photo of Inouye when he was here for a ceremony a while ago.
    We got a bigger, fancier camera, but I still carry my little point and shoot Nikon everywhere for those unexpected opportunities to get interesting pix.

  2. Wow - these sunrises are just amazing! So astounding.

  3. Forgetting my camera and then seeing something worth photographing is the story of my life Cloudia.

  4. I never go anywhere without my camera! Your photos are off the charts as usual. You must live very close to the water. A slice of heaven.

  5. Murphy's Law isn't it?! Love that Charles Schulz quote.

  6. ya, sometimes we miss those precious moments.

  7. I do love the words and photos you shared with us today. It's a shame you missed the photo op but there will be other days. I hope you have a great evening. Blessings...Mary

  8. Lana and I are still working on getting straight our bike riding and photography at the same time.

  9. Word to the Wise Cloudia! ALWAYS bring camera!!! I just throw it in my purse and I always have that with me!! I adore your sunrise pics!! Heard about the volcano on the news tonight...that's not such good news...hope everyone is ok!! Hugs!

  10. Hi Cloudia, wonderful views and Celia Thaxter's words are so nice!

  11. I keep my tiny camera in my purse, but I still forget to take shots. Getting a shot of Senator Inouye would have been fun, but you can never tell... you might have another chance.

  12. Can't make any promises about a camera but I can usually gather words enough to tell where I go.

  13. Those photos are stunning.

    My husband has a great camera but he rarely uses it. I may have to "borrow" it and take advantage of the moments I want to capture.

    Sorry you didn't have yours when you wanted it.

  14. This is a lesson I have learned before. Good advice!

  15. Cloudia we're hearing about the volcanic eruptions there - you're not in danger are you?

  16. Good advice! I forget to take my camera all the time! Great pictures, as always.

  17. Gorgeous shots! Glad you had your camera handy for these!

  18. Volcano is far away on another island. Unless the Big Island calves off a big chunk in an erruption (causing a Waikiki-submerging tsunami) we should be fine.
    When the winds come from the southeast, though: VOG! And we've had plenty of the hell-smelling, shroud so far this year. But Trade Winds are here and forecast to remain. Thanks for you concern!

  19. Amazing sunset/ sunrise pics over the harbor! wonderful!
    You posted great pics anyway, even without the celebrity-

    That's happened to us all, I think- missed opportunity-
    The other thing I can't stand is running out of battery juice n memory card space! Can't count the times!

    Enjoy life, even with out the cam!

  20. I'm relieved to hear you're not in danger Cloudia. x

  21. A beautiful habit to visit your photography and words of wisdoms every day !


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