Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nature Box


When we live in the city, 
(less so, perhaps, here in Honolulu)
nature is in the places we leave 
- or create - 
for her.

Do YOU have a terrarium,
or fish tank?

Spirals Smirals

We like to bring flowers home,
or raise them in a pot:
"Prison Plants."

Nature was once 
everywhere rampant-
and we were in the box.

Papaya in da Sky-a !

"Look deep into nature, 
and then you will understand 
everything better.
Joy in looking
and comprehending
is nature's most beautiful

Our task must be
to free ourselves
by widening our circle of compassion
to embrace all
living creatures
and the whole of nature
and its beauty.

We still do not know 
one thousandth of one percent
of what nature
has revealed to us."


Smiling Sky-
                                               Smiling at YOU!

Now Quick! 
Go to "Comments" 
and write the first thing 
                          that comes into your mind!  cloudia


  1. Lovely skies! That comes first to my mind Cloudia.

  2. I love your energy, Cloudia! What wonderful photos! I should live in Waikiki, too, darn!

  3. I needed that today. Thank you.

  4. Yikes! The first thing is - how clever is Claudia.

    Just surfing my friends' blogs today. I've been absent from my blog, but will resume as soon as possible.

  5. There are so many people trying to stamp out nature, you have to wonder...

  6. Now Quick! Go to "Comments" and write the first thing that comes into your mind!

    Well, if you want to know that I'm here at the house wishing I had a cheeseburger.

  7. I just was glad to be able to breath and being able to decide what I do.

    Please have a good Friday you all.

    daily athens

  8. Where's da papaya fruit? I'm craving a decent papaya. The football-sized ones from Mexico don't taste so good by the time they get to Kansas.
    I don't have any prison plants because they want to be tulips are outside, but they come inside for their shining "hospice" time.
    Maybe the wonderful smiling sky will guide the landing planes when the darn air traffic controller is asleep....maybe Mr. Smiling Sky always did. NOW Kansas City gets TWO controllers at night. I don't get to sleep when I work at night!
    Mahalo for the pics and thoughts. DrumMajor

  9. I adore all of these beautiful flowers!!! Hopefully one day I will see those beautiful Hawaiian flowers for REAL!!!

  10. The first thing that came into my bizarre mind was that i like the Einstein quote :-).

  11. "Comfort Spiral" has been included in this weeks Sites To See. I hope you like the image I featured, and I hope this helps to attract many new visitors here.

  12. Love, love, love the smiling sky. Also the Einstein quote. Thank you.

  13. Nature becomes more and more important to me, the older I get.

  14. Your posts always look so sunny and happy, Cloudia. I love your outlook on life.

  15. Nature is the greatest spiritual place ever

  16. I go to nature to "get away" and must admit that, being a city girl, fruit growing in trees cracks me up.


    Papaya in the sky-ah! :-)


  17. really lovely photos i love them, especially the last one

    betty xx


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