Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Stay Tuned

Aloha Welcome, to YOU!

"Follow your bliss
                         and the universe will open doors
                                                                    for you
                                                                                where    there were only walls."
                     Joseph Campbell

"Beauty - 
in projection and perceiving -
is 99.9% attitude."

Grey Livingston

is the shadow of God
on the universe."

  Gabriela Mistral, 


President Obama has been forced
to release his Birth Certificate.

Obviously, he is SO DIFFERENT
that many Americans
'just feel that they're not sure about him.'

For one thing, he graduated Cum Laude
 from our most esteemed University,
he held the top spot
at the top US law school
as editor of the Harvard Law Review. 

How did he do that?

I mean, just LOOK at him!

Something fishy must be going on.

That wife of his has suggested
that school children
eat healthy food,
and that we honor
military families.

How DARE she!? 
Someone like
will never tell ME
what to do!

You know, 
some of the most serious problems
our nation, and our international system
have ever faced
are demanding our attention.

My neighbors here on Oahu,
or their children,
are on their fifth deployment
to Afghanistan.

WWII, our US Civil War,
The Great War;
They lasted what, four years?

Hawaii people are raising funds
and visiting family & friends in
Japan (remember Japan?)
to help in the devastation.

Americans are more dispirited,
including Hawaii residents,
than I have ever seen them.

The middle class is so decimated;
The gulf between those
who think everything
is just ducky-

and the vast majority of
in our democracy-

is now SO wide
that the media, Washington,
Dubai, and Wall Street
don't know OR CARE
about the HAVOC they are wreaking
in our fabric of social trust.

Reasonable solutions
take a back seat
to policy changes SO radical
that the head spins
as one realizes how the policy suggestions
of Nixon, Reagan & Bush the elder
are now "too far left"
as we are ratcheted click by click
into a winner-takes-all 
Cloud Cuckoo Land
where booming corporations

pay NO US taxes 

as our infrastructure:
social, physical, and moral

Compare our airports, cities,
and medical systems
to those of other developed nations
and we are not number 1,
we are just numb.

All this is macro of course.

Yes, I'm a bit poorer than I was
just before the panic of 2008.

I'm glad the geniuses that caused it
have been amply rewarded.

You see,
I live in my own Cloud(ia)  Land.

Yes, I vote, testify, write, comment, call
and visit the Sate Capitol,
one HAS to.

But at end of day,
when you close your eyes,
it is the furniture of your soul-
not of your bedroom-
that really matters.

We are suffering
Malefactors of Great Wealth & Power,
they are getting SO far ahead of reality,
that many average people(voters!)
are remembering
their TRUE values & interests. . .

And it AIN'T about the 
President's Birth Certificate!

Stay tuned. 

Once, millions of humans changed their mind
and a 'thousand year' Berlin Wall
fell to dancing feet.

Jews & Arabs on the street
are fed up with the way things have been
for too long in the Middle East.

So stay Tuned.  

Stay Tuned for Miracles-
be sure to look for them,
pray for them,
work for them. . . 

and DO stop by 'comments'
          warmly, cloudia


  1. how inspiring!
    lovely post!

    it seems we've shared the same quote on bliss. lol!

    great minds think alike!

    betty xx

  2. I am so relieved that Obama has finally furnished the media with his long form birth certificate. Now, will the birthers please stop questioning his place of birth? Good Grief!

  3. So maybe there's something to the end of the Mayan calendar - a new start - Dec 21, 2012 - what comes after Capitalism?

  4. Cool!

    And thanks, Betty, for the quote I stole from you :0

  5. Oh my gosh! Awesome post, Cloud (ia)! I really like that. I think of you as a cloud. You've said it all for us and so beautifully. Here's to a lovely day. We'll appreciate what we have and work toward building and improving rather than tearing the world or each other down.

  6. I totally agree with you!! Great post!

  7. Well Said!!!!! Yes!!!!

    Furniture of your soul...powerful and oh so true!

    Have a wonderful day!

  8. once again feeling the pulse of the world. a great entry. there was a newspaper over here, wondering whether Obama was an 'alien'; had even such a headline ;)

    please have a good thursday.

    daily athens

  9. If anybody anywhere in the world thinks everything is just ducky they need to leave the fantasy land they live in wake up to themselves and start living in the real world which is not pretty :-).

  10. I am with you all the way. But sadly the birthers will just start a corruption theory that the birth certificate is a fake. Ignorance and bigotry are so much easier to hang on to, than either education or tolerance. Grrr.

  11. Excellent prospects beautifully lit, all are beautiful but I prefer the latter.

  12. I'm sure you listened to what Obama had to say about the "birth certificate" fiasco. He made the people questioning his validity look like idiots! "Silly."

  13. Interesting to know your thoughts about Mr Obama and your country !!

  14. Trump is the idiot of the hour. I remember as a child at the beach hearing the joke from my parents that I should try to dig to China. Trump's declaring he will dig until he finds something because there must be something shouts out loud that these crackpots can't take on Obama from where he stands--much higher ground.

  15. Yes, it could make one melancholy. When I'm feeling melancholy I read Thomas Hardy's late poetry. The human condition has never been an easy one.

  16. This brought me tears. Stream of tears.

  17. Standing "O". And I didn't vote for "O"bama- but we have the best country in the world- STILL!!!!

    He totally TRUMPS the Donald--what a joke!!!!



  18. this disconnect between the leaders and the led seems to be a worldwide phenomenon!
    namaste /\ from mumbai

  19. c'mon you all know it was never about his birth certificate but the resurrection of a black man having to show his papers to any government official that asked for them.

    The teabaggers are the most racist of the "I swear I am not a racist" lot they just won't come out and say that no black man is smart enough to run America.

    I hate to break it to you white folks but within 30 years YOU will be (finally) a minority in this nation and it's not the Black (whom the Donald loves) it will be the Hispanics.

    Now it's school long as you keep putting Republicans in office OF ANY ILK OR TEMPERAMENT this crap is only going to get worse for everyone not making a million a year or better.

  20. I despair of my country. Why is it that the so-called "values" party seems to have none except short term greed and jaded cynical posturing?

    Obama could come out in favor of puppies and kittens, and the right would assign some sinister motive to it.

  21. hello and bringing warm greetings to u..

  22. I, for one, am sorry he caved .. Trump is an ass.

  23. I'd hope it puts things to rest, but knowing the irrationality of the folks who were demanding it I'm not sure even this will help. I'm just sick of 'em.

  24. I heard about this on the news here, they can't argue with that now can they? :)

  25. TOGETHER -
    all over the world,
    WE will bring the future.
    not the 'powerful'


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