Friday, May 27, 2011

Blogger Fix Tip

A L O H A,
Welcome Back to Waikiki

“Play is the only way

the highest intelligence of humankind

can unfold.”


 Joseph Chilton Pearce

“We are shaped by each other. 

We adjust not to the reality of a world,

but to the reality of other thinkers.”

 Joseph Chilton Pearce 

“To live a creative life,

we must lose our fear 

of being wrong.”


Joseph Chilton Pearce






“We live in a web of ideas,

a fabric of our own making.”


Joseph Chilton Pearce
Have recent changes in Blogger 
left you unable to comment
at certain blogs?
Are you having other issues?
What browser are you using?
You can have more than one browser
(Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox)
installed on your computer.
Some are better for certain tasks.
Right now I'm liking Mozilla's
You can learn about this popular browser
and install it
When we were growing up
we were told that there is a
"right way"
and a
"wrong way"
to accomplish any task.
Well today in the world of IT
there are many different ways
to accomplish things.
Give yourself permission
to explore.
What browser(s) do YOU use?
Have you used others?
Why did you change?
Tell us in 'comments' 
      and thanks for visiting today! cloudia


  1. I use Firefox. When someone told me to clear my cookies I did and everything worked fine. Sorry to blame you Blogger.

  2. I use Firefox and mostly it does good. We were playing with Internet Explorer but had heaps of issues with it.
    Have a magical weekend. Thanks for the photos and quotes - great as always.

  3. Owning about a decade a computer, have to admit, am still learning much. Using IE, still.
    Patience, a safe step and a good weekend for you all.

    daily athens

  4. I am having those issues...I can't comment on blogs with the comment form below the post. You are the second person to recommend firefox to me.

    Do I dare to eat a peach????

  5. Hello Cloudia,
    I recently switch to Windows 7 on a new desktop and with Google Chrome seems to have problems with commenting, so I switch to using Firefox seems OK now.

  6. firefox fixed my woes...another trick i learned today is if it stops letting you comment, log off and log back on...fixes it right up...

  7. Nice quotes and pics! I'm a die-hard Firefox fan and have been for years. IE is way too slow! But have you tried Chrome? Omg,it's awesome! Happy weekend!

  8. I've been finding firefox is the only thing working for some blogs

  9. Lovely shots Cloudia

    have a nice weekend.

    Greetings, Joop

    i still have google account problems

  10. Oh ,i use explorer as well as chrome.looks like i need to switch to Mozilla .Thanks for the suggestion.

  11. Oh ,i use explorer as well as chrome.looks like i need to switch to Mozilla .Thanks for the suggestion.

  12. Firefox has suited me well for many years! It's a resource hog--but it's stable. Except the day you ask this--I lose all mu Subscribers pics! LOL!

    I'm tempted to try's supposed to be faster than Firefox, and it has been out for most of the bugs to be worked out of it?

    Any feedback on Chrome?

  13. Somewhere waaaaaay back in the past i switched to Firefox without knowing how or why just that i was tired of Explorer and its susceptibility to infection. *shrug* as long as i get where i want and don't have to run a full virus scan as soon as leave I can go with whatever.

  14. HAloha Cloudia!
    Sorry for the absence, but the season has been too busy here in Lisbon...
    Had some troubles with Blogger and had to use Firefox; now seems to be ok...
    Have a superb weekend!!

  15. Great shots and love the quotes and you are right there is more than one way to do things :)

  16. Borrowed the "play" quote. Excellent, thanks!

  17. Thanks for this tip, Cloudia. I guess I use Google Chrome. It never occurred to me to use anything else because it came with the new computer.

    I still have other issues with Blogger though but I don't want to switch to another blog provider because I know how to use this one.

  18. I use Google Chrome, and have had no problems lately I do clear my cache every so often. Aloha, Cloudia!

  19. very informative,

    cj, lisbon

  20. I am with Firefox. Happy with it, very convenient. Right now read the comment of KarenG and cleared cookies. Though it would be great to clear away real cookies that easy, as I know nothing about internet cookies)). Thank you for concern!
    Commenting is possible, but no followers shown. It does not matter, they will fix it, I am sure, Blogger is great FREE service.

  21. I've been using Firefox for years - way too many security issues with IE in the past. Some web sites don't render well in FF so am forced to use IE8 for those.

    My recent problems have more to do with an intermittently VERY slow internet connection which makes it impossible to load any blog - frustrating !

    Love your shots - very colorful ! I have walked on that beach.

    Aloha !

  22. Have recent changes in Blogger
    left you unable to comment
    at certain blogs?

    In simple terms yes, I am catching hell sometimes and others its just impossible. I use Firefox at home and the computers at work use Explorer. Can't complain too much, Blogger is free and at some point I figure the issues will clear up.

  23. I tried the Firefox and it really does work better with Blogger. Interesting. Thank you for the tip.

  24. Started with IE in the 90s then it crawl like a snail then went for Netscape, switched to Firefox later and latest is Google Chrome. Lately lots of crashes with Google Chrome and to type or delete a word takes few seconds in the search engine column. Looks like the Chrome has faded and becomes rusty. Now reignited with Firefox Version 4 with blazing flames.

  25. Opera. Probably the only one.

  26. Love shots, as always!
    Had a few problems with Chrome, but an easy fix (clearing cache).

  27. Yes, clearing 'cookies' and all that is important.

    I too expect Blogger to fix stuff eventually. . .

    Thanks SO much for your kind visit and comment :)

  28. Cloudia, I use Chrome because it is speedy and the Google gods do not let me down. I love Chrome.

    I use IE for work because we use that nightmare called Outlook Express for email. Ugh. Egads. Oh no. Yuck.

    The Internet reminds us that ours is a rich and varied universe. It cannot be observed with closed eyes or minds.

  29. Fun to discover your blog and roll through the postings and photos! Ah, Waikiki - I dream to go there someday with my family!
    Thanks for your comments on my EAGAN daily photo blog - Cheers, Cloudia!


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